View Full Version : Cayman Brac Sunrise

Andrew McLachlan
03-14-2017, 08:14 PM

Here is a daybreak scene from my recent two week trip to Cayman Brac in the Caribbean Sea. This image was created at Pollard Bay on the south eastern side of the island on a relatively calm morning.

Nikon D800
Nikon 18-35mm lens @ 18mm
ISO 100
f16 @ 15 seconds
Singh-Ray 3-Stop Reverse Graduated Neutral Density Filter

Looking forward to comments and suggestions.

Colin Driscoll
03-14-2017, 09:57 PM
Lovely pastel tones here Andrew, smoothed water and overall sharpness. Nice use of the filter; I'd like to have seen the shot without. Too contrasty?

Don Railton
03-15-2017, 04:00 AM
Quite beautiful Andrew.. I too love the pastels... my only suggestion is fixing the small area where the horizon touches the base of the cliff. I think you have been there but its still needs a little more work IMHO.. Hope you enjoys our holiday, be hard not to in a spot like that...


Andrew McLachlan
03-18-2017, 10:08 AM
Thanks guys for the comments. I see what you are talking about Don, but no funny business going on there...I think it may be a bit of salt spray in the air as that area is approaching the very tip of the island where the wave typically roll into the bluff fairly large....I see about toning it down slightly.

Don Railton
03-24-2017, 08:13 AM
Hi Andrew

I never suspect funny business with you Andrew..! I guess the long exposure has flattened out the sea so the spray forming waves are all averaged out but the spray lingers...

Adhika Lie
03-25-2017, 11:06 AM
I have seen this image on your facebook and I still like it a lot, Andrew! The color is nice but wondering if the very FG could be darkened just a little... or maybe it's just the way it looks (salt crust?). Either way, it doesn't bother me until I look at this for a very long time.

Andrew McLachlan
03-30-2017, 04:53 PM
Thanks Adhika...yes the iron shore coloration does seem to vary quite a bit, from very light to very dark. I would assume that this is some salt residue due to the calm ocean conditions and no waves rising up that far on the shore...those conditions changed by the end of the trip with some 10 foot swells coming in...lots of salt spray :)

Don Lacy
04-01-2017, 07:34 PM
Hi Andrea, Nice seeing a seascape from you. Well composed and nice pastel colors in the sky my only suggestion would be to darken the foreground having it as bright as the sky throws the image out of balance for me.