View Full Version : European Bison bull

Andreas Liedmann
03-06-2017, 03:17 PM
Hey folks another one from my recent trip to Kraansvlak in the Netherlands
In this image i like the pose and the overall dull and subdued surrounding landscape .... i kept this shot wider to give this guy room to breath :w3 , i know some might say why not tighter , i agree in parts . But at some point we have to make decisions in the field about the chosen framing , and i do not want to pixel bash and crop even tighter as i already did .
Hope you still like this frame.

Canon EOS 1Dx II
EF 200-400 IS L at 362 mm
HH standing upright

F 5,6 ; Iso 12800 ; 1/2000 sec

Processed with DPP 4.6 ( Fine Detail picture style ) and PS CC 2017; cropped to 80% of FF from all sides .

Thanks for looking and commenting to my previous thread

Cheers Andreas

Rachel Hollander
03-07-2017, 09:02 AM
Hi Andreas - Another nice image of a bison. I like the soft tones of the bg and the pose of the bison. Nice colors and details. Maybe just a bit too much fg but not a deal breaker.


Gabriela Plesea
03-07-2017, 11:09 AM
This Bison is so fluffy, Boetie! The fur looks so soft I want to reach out and touch it. By that I do not mean unsharp, LOL.

Lovely wintery feel to this image, very postcard like. I really like the composition. Colours are great, superb tonality, wonderful PP work overall. The only thing that slightly bugs me is that long grass in front of the subject but I know very well you would have done something about it if you could.
Love the glossy nose and horns, the eye stands out so nicely. Those green patches add a faint splash of colour, beautiful frame my friend:cheers:

Kind regards,

Morkel Erasmus
03-07-2017, 12:16 PM
I really love the soft tones you achieved with this series.
Nice pose and smooth shot...

Jonathan Ashton
03-07-2017, 01:54 PM
This is brilliant just love the soft looking coat and the pose, I like the composition, very clean image. This certainly rings my bell!:cheers:

Andreas Liedmann
03-09-2017, 02:44 PM
Thanks Rachel , Gabriela , Morkel and Jon for your kind comments , much appreciated .

Gabriela i got you right straight away ..... regarding the " fluffiness " :w3, they are are looking indeed smoother in the coat compared to the big ones over in North America.

Cheers Andreas