View Full Version : Theme Frosty Barrow's Goldeneyes....

Geoff Newhouse
01-30-2017, 08:28 PM
This frame is from a day at -32C where I laid on the ice and tried to wait till the 6 ducks (2 BGs, 1 Bufflehead and 3 Common Mergansers) swam out of the heavy mist off the open water of the Yukon river which was only open below the dam for a kilometre or so. It was fun to see their frosty plumage as they continually dunk their heads to keep the frost from forming to much but this day it was so cold that some of the frost remained.

Shot handheld laying on the river's edge ice. Canon 1DX2, Canon 200-400 with internal TC engaged at 560mm, f/8, 1/1250, ISO 1000.

Isaac Grant
01-30-2017, 08:47 PM
Very pleasing image Geoff. Love the mist and the frosty birds. I wish they were on the same plane so both were in focus. Birds are a bit dark as well. Also with all yellow bills, peaked crowns and a tooth at the end of the beaks, these would be Barrow's Goldeneye I think.

David Seymour
01-30-2017, 11:05 PM
Nice colors and interesting subjects, Geoff. I too think that the back bird needs to be more in focus to make the most of this one. The 1DX2 is supposed to be good at high ISOs, so perhaps you could have used ISO 2000 and got the aperture to f/11 which may have added enough DOF to bring the rear bird more into focus? The shutter speed probably couldn't be any lower as there would have been a fair bit of movement in these birds despite the cold. A medal to the photographer for being out there in those conditions!
Cheers, David

Jonathan Ashton
01-31-2017, 03:32 AM
Like the shot, very atmospheric, you are one dedicated photographer to be out in those conditions, I salute you - well done!!

keith mitchell
01-31-2017, 08:11 AM
Geoff I thought it was cold here ,I take my cap off to you getting this shot ,pity the back one is a bit out but I certainly like what you have got.


Geoff Newhouse
02-01-2017, 10:20 AM
Very pleasing image Geoff. Love the mist and the frosty birds. I wish they were on the same plane so both were in focus. Birds are a bit dark as well. Also with all yellow bills, peaked crowns and a tooth at the end of the beaks, these would be Barrow's Goldeneye I think.

Thanks Isaac. Yes they are Barrow's as per my title. We don't get too many Common here but occasionally we do. Did you mean to say you think they are Common? Wait!! I see I used abbreviation of CG in my post....that should have been BG as per the title.....

Geoff Newhouse
02-01-2017, 10:26 AM
Thanks to all who commented. I love going out in the cold....I have the clothes for it but my hands do suffer even with my hand warmers in my gloves against my skin directly. The best thing is no one else is out there....all to myself which is what I love most about photography when I can find a place to be alone.

I'm okay with the OOF rear duck. It may have been nicer with both in focus but I usually am okay with a second subject (especially the same bird) being OOF by some amount as long as the near bird is the one in focus. I dislike images where the OOF one is the foreground bird. Still yes f/11 or f/16 may have got both in good focus. I could easily have gone ISO 2000 or 4000 in this sunlight with very little noise penalty on the 1DX2. I think I stopped down to f/8 (as I usually default to wide open) to try and get a bit more focus on the rear bird but I needed to go further as you have mentioned if I really wanted both birds sharp.

Thanks again all.

Isaac Grant
02-01-2017, 03:47 PM
Yeah, somehow I skipped the title and saw the CG and commented. We have a female Barrow's in New York City now. Quite a treat.