View Full Version : Tufted Titmouse - new lens

David Billingsley
06-16-2008, 04:23 PM
Last week was my first outing with a new 500 F4. The longest lens I had used to date was the 100-400. The initial results with the 500 left a little to be desired, but by late afternoon on the first day things began to settle in. As you well know, a Titmouse offers a decent challenge in itself. Overall I was pleased with the weeks' results - still have much to learn in using this lens.

I cloned out a background twig and thought about removing the dark line but didn't. CC welcome.

ISO 400
500 F4 + 1.4 TC @ f/5.6
Flash -2 + BB
3530 LSV - Mongoose M3.5

Doug Brown
06-16-2008, 04:32 PM
Congrats on getting a 'big gun!' This is a great first post with your new lens. I would tone down the bottom of the perch and brighten the bird just a little. Titmice are tough to photograph, and learning how to find a bird with a long lens takes lots of practice. Judging by your results, you've done well. Thanks for posting!

Axel Hildebrandt
06-16-2008, 04:33 PM
It certainly takes a bit practice getting used to the 500. With TC attached it might help to stop down a bit more if the bird is close since the DOF is very narrow. I would decrease the contrast a few points. Have fun with your new lens!

Steve Canuel
06-17-2008, 01:37 AM
Now that's one pointy head! Congrats on your new lens. I like the pose of this one although its a bit tight in the frame for me. Agree with Axel on reducing the contrast a bit.