View Full Version : Down the barrel with some really big feet

Randy Stout
11-15-2016, 05:53 PM
This trumpeter swan was captured last weekend at our local bird sanctuary. These are wild birds that come and go, but seem to love gathering at the sanctuary on sunday morning for a bit of socializing.

Nikon D500 Sigma 150-600 S, f/7.1 1/1600s, ISO 800 hand held

Post: Slight crop for comp. Selective sharpening of the bird, with a bit of softening of the busy bg in NIK.

Advice and comments always appreciated.



Colin Driscoll
11-16-2016, 05:06 AM
Great front on shot with detail, really demonstrating the airfoil shape of the wing. The shadows bother me again having a blue cast to my eye which I was able to soften by desaturating and lightening the blue. Didn't want to post the change without your permission.

Randy Stout
11-16-2016, 08:16 AM

Never hesitate to do a repost, I am here to learn! I appreciate the blue shadows, but haven't been bothered by them. BUt, doesn't mean an alternative view isn't perfectly valid!



Jonathan Ashton
11-16-2016, 09:18 AM
Randy I like it I think you have good tonal range in the plumage and the feet. Just maybe the bill is a little dark, the background is nicely muted. Some folks may find the pale areas by the feet a little distracting, depending upon your viewpoint you could easily address this.

Bill Dix
11-16-2016, 09:28 AM
Gotta love those big paddles. The background has just enough detail to show context without being distracting, but I agree with Jonathan about the pale area at the feet.

William Dickson
11-16-2016, 06:31 PM
Hi Randy, I think the bird looks real good, lovely detail. I also think the BG takes away the beauty of the bird


Colin Driscoll
11-17-2016, 05:51 AM
Randy, FWIW here's my take. H&S Blue Saturation -55 Lightness +45.

Randy Stout
11-17-2016, 07:13 AM

Thanks for the repost, and it did neutralize the blues on the shadow on his back. On my monitor however, it has altered the colors and appearance of the back ground, looks a bit "over processed" to my eye. The bird does look great.

I wanted to again thank everyone for their honest opinions. For a long time I have also favored very soft, indistinct backgrounds, but am working on including a bit more context in my backgrounds, when it doesn't detract too much from the subject.



Doug Brown
11-17-2016, 09:24 PM
Hey Randy. Like those huge feet and the nice eye contact. I don't mind seeing the blues in the shadows desaturated, but agree with your assessment of the repost.