View Full Version : Immature Female Northern Cardinal

Stuart Edwards
10-23-2016, 04:29 PM
From my backyard setup . I was hoping for a side pose to get the tail in the plane of focus but it was very windy and the birds wouldn't stay put.
shot with Canon 5dIII , 400mm f5.6L . 1/500 , iso 800. I used AV mode because the sun kept coming through the clouds and I couldn't keep up changing the shutter speed.

Mike Poole
10-23-2016, 07:29 PM
Whilst a side on shot may have been the target, I quite like this inquisitive pose and the tail in the BG.

If tis is a backyard setup, then maybe you could get some perches with a bit more character, and possibly frame the shot a little looser - always down to personal choice though, there is no right or wrong.

2 technical points maybe worth mentioning - with the 5d3 I'd have pushed the ISO another stop at least for the extra shutter speed. You did fine here, but the keeper rate should improve with the faster SS and the IQ should hold up well as long as you're not doing crazy crops. On the PP side, I think you just overdid the sharpening a touch as the feathers look a bit 'pointed' of that makes sense.

That said, those are nit picky points and this is a pleasing shot overall.


Bill Nuttall
10-24-2016, 03:44 AM
Hi Stuart

agree with Mike about the perch - it kind of looks as if it was put there, (rather than natural) - something I am guilty of - the perch has also tended to spoil the overall composition for me

I also see the sharpening as being over-done as the feathers have started to look "grainy"

but an attractive bird that is great to see

Stuart Edwards
10-25-2016, 09:43 PM
Thanks for the comments guys . I have been meaning to find a better perch but just never got around to it . As to the sharpening , I will try and not apply as much next time . as for framing a little looser , there was a feeder in the upper right corner that i cropped out making it a much tighter shot. I will keep all that in mind when the sun finally comes back .