View Full Version : White-winged Dove

Brian Desjardins
10-05-2016, 10:23 AM
Hi All, Thought id give a bit of love to a common bird out here, I call him David Copperfield every time I tried to photograph him he would Disappear ! but the other morning he decided to sit and let me get a few shots off.
This is my 1st time editing in PS CC mainly used Lightroom, but the more I learn about editing, there's a lot more control over what your doing in PS compared to LR.
I removed 2 small branches on either side of his head, resized then sharpened with USM, no NR didn't think it was needed.
All comments and tips are welcome.


Nikon D600,
Nikon 200-500mm @500mm, 1/500 @ f8,
Iso 200

William Dickson
10-05-2016, 02:05 PM
Hi Brian and welcome. The head on the bird looks real good with lovely colours. The perch and surrounding branches take away the beauty of the bird.


Brian Desjardins
10-05-2016, 04:11 PM
Thanks Will, yeah nothing I can do about the big branch its his spot, Might be able to remove some of the background ones, I do see what you mean though, hope i can catch him else where. TY again.

gail bisson
10-05-2016, 06:54 PM
Hi Brian,
I like the pose and HA of the dove.Good view of the feet and DOF. The breast area seems to be the area of critical focus.
The head seems a bit oversharpened to me. But the real issue are the branches behind the dove. It will be very hard to clone out the branches that divide the light blue and dark blue portions in the BG and maintain a seamless BG.
You need to stalk this dove and get him/her against a clean or more pleasing BG.
Look forward to more images from you,

Brian Desjardins
10-05-2016, 08:09 PM
Hi Gail, TY for your comments, I was looking at trying to remove the extra branches and I think your right it would be easier just to stalk him/her and get a better BG then all the work involved just to clean up the BG. Again TY !

Daniel Cadieux
10-06-2016, 11:19 AM
Hey Brian, I agree staking it out for a better perch / setting would be best. Also photographing it during a better time of day, or an overcast one, as you got some harsh light and heavy shadows. Well exposed with nice details and colours on the face.

Brian Desjardins
10-06-2016, 12:57 PM
Hi Daniel, Thanks for the comments and tips, ill try early morning and see where he likes to perch. TY again.