View Full Version : Late season Osprey

John Whaley
09-26-2016, 10:26 AM
Late season Osprey with an Arthur Morris head nod. There are not many left here now but this young Osprey is still making a living in my area. 1/2000, f6.3, auto ISO 360 +0.7 step, 500mm.


Richard Smith
09-26-2016, 10:41 AM
Nicely done.

Bob Smith
09-26-2016, 12:51 PM
A fine image John---both wings well up in V formation with crisp focus across the bird and good exposure (maybe a bit of too bright behind the neck?) ---and I like the line of the BG you got and good separation of the taloned feet from the tail feathers..<script type="text/javascript" src="safari-extension://com.ebay.safari.myebaymanager-QYHMMGCMJR/b78d8197/background/helpers/prefilterHelper.js"></script>

John Whaley
09-26-2016, 01:37 PM
Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated always.

Stu Bowie
09-26-2016, 01:53 PM
Hi John, I like the flight pose with the raised wings. Overall, well exposed, sharp, and the head turn with the eye contact, takes this up a few notches. I do find the darker band a bit distracting, and wonder if you cropped up from the bottom to eliminate it.

Daniel Cadieux
09-26-2016, 06:01 PM
Nice flight image. Good wings up position. The comp feels well balanced. I'm OK with the line below - but you could lighten it a bit to minimize its impact. At the risk of being too fussy I do wish for LESS of a head turn in this case:e3

John Whaley
09-26-2016, 07:14 PM
Thank you Stu and Dan. I like the BG more than a sky shot and you would laugh if you knew the trouble i go to to capture these birds at eye level with a BG ( 10' +- off the ground ) but here is one when the bird was higher. Agree with the head angle a bit too far on the original post. Thank
you for the feedback.


Bill Dix
09-27-2016, 08:28 AM
Good one, John. Nice wing position. I agree that the head turn on the OP is not ideal; good job in post to turn it a bit more sideways. I need to learn that trick. I rather like the water line, that makes the OP a little different from the usual blue-sky osprey shot. [Oh, and in the OP given the HA, I might have been tempted to brighten the far eye just a bit.]

Satish Ranadive
09-27-2016, 11:05 AM
Excellent flight shot with beautiful wing position.
