View Full Version : Theme Puffin, Head-on

Bill Dix
07-29-2016, 08:23 AM
With so many Atlantic Puffin frames, it's hard to know were to begin weeding. But I thought this one was worth sharing because of this month's theme (not sure if the theme was intended just for BIF -- if so, disregard the prefix). From atop the Latrabjarg cliff in Iceland, at around 10:00 PM on a dim and drizzly evening.

D7200, 80-400VR @ 230 mm; ISO 3200, 1/500s @ f/6.3 manual.

Norm Dulak
07-29-2016, 04:05 PM
Nice exposure, sharpness and pose Bill. The vegetation adds interest. And good work considering the gloomy conditions; using ISO 3200 is impressive.

Glennie Passier
07-29-2016, 06:30 PM
Bill, love the front on comical looking face. The FG vegetation is a big plus for me. The gloom...you have made that work a treat!

07-29-2016, 07:31 PM
Very nice 3200 iso Bill, love the few drops of drizzle and the habitat. Good straight on capture! more please!