View Full Version : Indigo Bunting

Isaac Grant
06-29-2016, 10:33 AM
Here is another shot of an Indigo Bunting from Negri-Nepote Grasslands in New Jersey. I have made a few trips there recently. It is really a pretty place and affords many good shooting opportunities. Different background than my last shot of them with this one being busier. Also a different pose. I have shots of this bird sitting on this perch and singing facing left and right as well. But I liked the way it looked all fluffed up. Plus I have already posted a singing bunting pic recently so this is a nice change.

Canon 7d2 and Canon 500mm f4 ii + 1.4x iii. Tripod Mounted. F7.1, ISO 640, SS 1/1600.

Converted in DPP with Auto White Balance. In DPP I lowered the exposure to -.17 and the highlights to -3. Nothing else. In PS I followed Arite's critique and lowered the blue, cyan and yellow so as to not have as much saturation on the bird. Also adjusted for highlights and shadows., cropped as square and applied noise reduction to background.

John Robinson
06-29-2016, 10:39 AM
Another great Indigo shot Isaac. Love the use of the vegetation in the BG and foreground. Not sure about the colour of the bird as never seen one but looks OK to me

Jonathan Ashton
06-29-2016, 11:13 AM
A very nice shot indeed, I have tried lowering the saturation/brightness/contrast on the background to make it more incidental but having done that I prefer your version. Very pleasing image great plumage detail, just wondered about lightening up the iris a little?

Isaac Grant
06-29-2016, 11:19 AM
Thanks John. These are one of those birds where the color changes depending on the sun. I pretty much only take pics in the early morning and late evening. Getting one of these in perfect early morning sun is birding heaven for me. But it does produce and over saturated picture. Artie is right.

Jonathan I forgot to mention, I used Viveza to lower the contrast, staturation and brightness of the background. Think all were set to -3. Tried going more but as you said I did not like the results so I left it at that and then applies noise reduction which did very little to be honest.

keith mitchell
06-29-2016, 11:19 AM
Never seen this bird but the colour looks natural to me,do like the relaxed puffed up pose.


Jonathan Ashton
06-29-2016, 11:21 AM
Thanks John. These are one of those birds where the color changes depending on the sun. I pretty much only take pics in the early morning and late evening. Getting one of these in perfect early morning sun is birding heaven for me. But it does produce and over saturated picture. Artie is right.

Jonathan I forgot to mention, I used Viveza to lower the contrast, staturation and brightness of the background. Think all were set to -3. Tried going more but as you said I did not like the results so I left it at that and then applies noise reduction which did very little to be honest.

That's what I did Isaac so I reckon you have got it about right.

Stu Bowie
06-29-2016, 02:13 PM
Hi Isaac, I do like this angled pose, but I like the different blues on this fellow even more. The ruffled plumage adds a bit more, and overall, nicely separated from the BG. Just a personal preference, but I would like to see a traditional landscape crop, as Im not too keen on square crops - as I said just personal. :w3

Bill Dix
06-29-2016, 02:32 PM
You're really getting some nice ones from NN. This one really shows his early morning colors to advantage, and the fluffed up plumage is a plus. The habitat shows nicely. I'm not a big fan of square comps, but this works for me.

Isaac Grant
06-29-2016, 03:05 PM
Thanks Stu and Bill. I don't normally do square crops but the background was more of the busy leaves and more of what is there. I did not think that it really helped the picture any and if anything was more of a distraction as it is not what I consider an ideal background. I do appreciate the opinions. That is really the type of info that I am looking for and why I joined this site. It's always nice to hear that you did something well, but more valuable for me to hear what i can do better.

By the way Bill, have you ever been there? I see you are a NJ guy. I rarely cross the bridge and go your way but I like that place very much. And usually have the whole place to myself as well.

David Salem
06-29-2016, 07:26 PM
This one looks great!! I like the colors and the details in this beautiful bird. I don't have square crop phobia so I'm okay with it and I like compositions that fit the scene so it works perfect for me. Well done.

Tim Foltz
06-29-2016, 08:13 PM
Beautiful bird, nice details and nice colors, very nice.
