View Full Version : Nervous Conditions

Gabriela Plesea
06-16-2016, 02:49 PM
Hello Everyone,

I am back with something a little different. Not sure if it qualifies as an OOTB image though, if so the moderators are more than welcome to delete this thread:)

The scene was captured in low light and the underexposed BG was "inviting" me to do some rather extreme PP work. I also had to eliminate some man made elements which I did not quite like, such as the waterhole this lion was approaching. We are experiencing extreme drought in this area for many months - a majority of rivers, dams and waterholes have already dried up. Some of the private game reserves have to provide water for animals as no natural sources are available.

Anyway, so here I played with exposure, curves, levels and saturation. My workflow a bit boring perhaps, but I still hope you'll like this nice lion male and his swinging tail:)

Warmest regards, thanks so much for having me here:tinysmile_shy_t:

Dennis Bishop
06-16-2016, 06:34 PM
Especially with him looking back, all that dark background adds a sense of the unknown that invites questions about what might lie ahead. In terms of composition, though, I think I'd crop some from the top to bring his eyes above the center. That also heightens the tension because we're, then, more at his eye level. It makes sense to have his body darker than his face, but I'd lighten it a little. Your capturing that swinging tail where it is adds a lot to the image.

Judy Howle
06-16-2016, 11:27 PM
I love the dark background! I agree with Dennis' suggestions about cropping and lightening the body a little since the head is bright. Beautiful lion and nice composition!

Gabriela Plesea
06-17-2016, 12:31 PM
Thank you so much dear Dennis and Judy!

I will take into consideration your advice, I really appreciate your thoughts on this.

Love experimenting and hope to share more:)

Warmest regards,

Mitch Carucci
06-17-2016, 03:17 PM
Wonderful light. A bit of mystery. Like it!

Nancy Bell
06-18-2016, 02:52 PM
The drama of the black bkgd and that intense stare makes me hope you were in the vehicle! I can see a crop that has the lion more in the lower right corner to move his head out of the center. If you opt to lighten the body, I would do it only a bit and not extend to the legs and feet. It is the total darkness that makes this so dramatic, and a fully lit lion would be more like a portrait with a black bkgd. That curved tail is a fabulous element! It adds attitude and compliments the curve of his body. Good that it does not extend into his face.

Cheryl Slechta
06-19-2016, 05:49 PM
Hi, Gabriela, we used to have a Chiaroscuro theme and this would fit perfectly. It is so dramatic with his face in the light and everything else is a mystery. The curved tail is a special bonus. I'm with Nancy - if you lighten I would only do it a little bit but I like it just the way it is (except maybe a slight crop from the top). I can hardly wait to see more:S3: