View Full Version : Glasses (as in eye wear) steaming, up any tips?

Stuart Philpott
05-07-2016, 12:12 PM
Guys this seems on the face of it to be something silly.But it is at times really making me struggle.

It IS costing me shots that although I am learning and they surely won't be the best I am grafting really hard to get. Essentially this is happening when i'm stalking while in the prone position predominantly early or late in the day when the ground is soaked frost or dew and obviously some physical exertion is being put in by myself.Cold glasses/ warm me and I'm all but blind at times. Often I am taking shots very close to the ground and am finding i'm not seeing low oof obstructions which are costing me dear. I put a fair bit of effort into my fieldcraft ,sometimes pull it off and get close,spend time with my chosen subject and come away with little where as I really should have something if I could get around this re occuring problem. Contacts, probably I wouldn't be able to cope with, has anyone got any tips,others must have come across this problem??

Thanks for any thoughts
take care


Marina Scarr
05-07-2016, 01:38 PM
I have the same problem and I know there are some wipes out there that are useful for this problem. You may want to try these. Found these after only a quick search. http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/121138660698?lpid=82&chn=ps&ul_noapp=true. I believe there are other brands as well. Do a little bit of research and I think you'll find something quite helpful. Good luck.

Stuart Philpott
05-07-2016, 01:43 PM
Marina, it is really driving my nuts, thank you so much,I'll have a look at your link and do some digging to find something over here and duly report back

Huge thanks

take care


Diane Miller
05-07-2016, 09:49 PM
Back in my skiing days everyone struggled with fogging goggles. This was considered the best solution then. Don't know if there may be something better now. No kidding -- the name is a little strange but it is a legit product.
