View Full Version : Wild and free little owl

dennis greenwood
05-04-2016, 02:38 PM
Once again as the season aproaches ,my passion and commitment for these hardy little birds will continue ...As i have previousley said these birds never leave a territory once established ,even when the Kestrels decide to move in just yards away .....Canomn 1161837kiv 300mm F4 at F4 iso 800 1/100sec +1 ev...Thanks to all who commented on my snow owl shot

John Robinson
05-04-2016, 03:45 PM
Another pleasing LO shot Den. Like the symetry feel to this one- and the textured eyes too. Not too yellow like you often see. You know me and BG's but this one I can handle. Would have liked a bit of gradation but no deal breaker.
I love all birds on small perches and this one does it good. Hope you didn't use mealworms !:Whoa!:
I think the farmers barn refurbishments have put mine off for good. We will see. I,ll do redstarts instead !!

Glenn Conlan
05-04-2016, 06:56 PM
I like this a lot, one of your better ones of the owl. Perch, Bg, bird positioning all excellent. A winner!

05-05-2016, 12:50 AM
Dennis, the perch, the creamy bokeh, the eye contact - all are working superb.
Thanks for sharing.

dennis greenwood
05-05-2016, 11:25 AM
Thanks John....there are some shots that you just wont get if you dont dont put some form of bait out,this shot is a return(later) visit from the bird after i tried for shots were a mouse was used earlier... curiosity always gets the better of the bird :S3:

David Salem
05-05-2016, 03:36 PM
One of your best frames of these guys!! The pose, perch and Bg look great and I like the comp you chose. This is one that I might consider selectively sharpening just the face a bit. Well done

Marina Scarr
05-05-2016, 08:59 PM
Love the perch, the BG and the pose. I was going to say the bird looked over sharpened and then I saw David mentioned it needed more sharpening. Something looks a bit funky in the face and I''m not sure what it is, but I trust David's eyes over mine. Love the frame though.

dennis greenwood
05-06-2016, 01:47 AM
Hi Thanks all for the positive input on this shot,i too thought i may have oversharpned it as well ,its a fine line getting this right at the moment,this shot was imported in to Photoshop for a final USM were normally i do this in lightroom and very rarely do i need to go above 90 on the slider to achieve a this