View Full Version : Lake Erie sunset

Dennis Bishop
03-19-2016, 08:08 AM
The sunsets on the southern shore of Lake Erie can be glorious, and people walk or bike down to the lake to take them in with the accompaniment of the sound of waves. This was taken in August with a north by northeast line of sight, so the best color would've been to the left, but the bikes and the people on the benches just had to be part of the story.


iPhone 5s, PureShot camera app, three-exposure HDR at 2 EV increments

processing highlights

Topaz Simplify -- saved watercolor preset, masked
Alien Skin Snap Art -- saved watercolor wash preset, Color blend mode
Fractalius -- three layers of saved black on white presets (2 masked); Multiply, Divide, Multiply
Simplify and Snap Art -- saved black on white presets, Multiply, masked
Red Giant Knoll Light Factory -- glow around post lamp, masked
Nik Color Efex -- Tonal Contrast, masked

Diane Miller
03-19-2016, 09:22 AM
Lovely color -- I can feel the evening air. Nice touch with the streetlight, perfectly positioned with the bikes pointing at it. Then the eye goes exploring to discover the person.

Delightful treatment, as always!

So many of you here have such a special and recognizable style.

Nancy Bell
03-19-2016, 03:47 PM
This really feels like a warm summer evening! My eye slides up the curving silver frame of the woman's bicycle, guided by the parallel walkway, to the streetlight and then settles on the soft colors of the sunset. I now feel like I'm with the others on the benches, quietly contemplating the sunset and listening to the soft rhythmic lapping of the water. Well done!

Cheryl Slechta
03-19-2016, 04:30 PM
Hi, Dennis, I think Diane and Nancy have covered everything I was going to say. Your signature style takes this up a notch - lovely, inviting summer scene.:S3:

Hazel Grant
03-19-2016, 09:40 PM
I agree with Cheryl. Diane and Nancy have it covered. The lady on the bench is just that special touch

Anita Bower
03-25-2016, 09:31 AM
I like the blue and greens, with the warm street light as a contrast. The darkness is effective. The composition is perfect. The bicycles placed just right, the woman sitting on the bench between them, the various horizontal lines of horizon and docks. I like how the light catches the bicycle on the right. The line of trees are both horizontal and vertical elements. Excellent.