View Full Version : Seattle mini world

Hazel Grant
03-06-2016, 07:05 PM
Just to get the ball rolling, I pulled out one I did in 2012 when we did mini worlds. Did a bit of adjusting with cloning, desat, etc.

Dennis Bishop
03-07-2016, 08:02 AM
"Just to get the ball rolling . . ." That's clever, Hazel.

I like the lack of symmetry and the fact that the circumference isn't smooth. You've got some interesting and appealing contrasts going on: The stark simplicity of the white on black versus the high energy of the mini-world, itself, is one. The white fill of the Space Needle compared to the white outlines of the rest of the image is another.

Cheryl Slechta
03-07-2016, 06:47 PM
Hi, Hazel, the ball will start rolling in April:S3: March theme is clouds and fog - I'll remove the theme part of your title. It's still a nice Mini-world. (And I'm sure there's plenty of fog in Seattle!).

Hazel Grant
03-07-2016, 06:57 PM
oops....guess I should get my glasses checked:bg3:

Nancy Bell
03-08-2016, 07:53 PM
Hazel, this is one of the most creative mini-worlds I've seen. Fabulous in graphic black & white, mostly abstract and grounded just a bit in reality with the recognizable Space Needle! Ha! You made me wonder where did March go?

Diane Miller
03-09-2016, 02:19 PM
It may be early for the theme but I'm nominating Hazel for the Title of the Year!

Very cool image, too....

Anita Bower
03-11-2016, 11:05 AM
Was that an intentional pun--getting the ball rolling?
Excellent work! I like the simplicity and impact of the white on black. The semi-abstract nature of the image is very appealing.

Hazel Grant
03-12-2016, 03:16 PM
no, didn't even think of the pun til you noticed it. Thanks for your comments.