View Full Version : Theme Guillemot cliff - Part two

Steve Kaluski
02-15-2016, 03:35 AM
A slightly different perspective from the previous posting, hopefully this may give now 'scale' to this formidable cliff face. Anyone who saw the BBC documentary last Friday night 'Earth's Greatest Spectacles - Svalbard' well you will have seen this location in the footage, if not please watch it and the series, is superb!!!

Again, shot from on deck of our Ice breaker, as we sailed along the cliff wall as Guillemots, Little Auks and Puffins took to the skies & sea.

Thanks to those who viewed or posted a comment on the previous thread.


Subject: Guillemots (Uria aalge) perching/circling on and around the cliff face
Location: Svalbard
Camera: Canon 1DX
Lens: 16-35f/2.8 MKII HH
Exposure: 1/2000s at f/8 ISO1600 (I think f/11 would have been better or even f/16)
Original format: Portrait, slight crop for presentation
Processed via: LRCC & PSCC

Note: I think the bird on the top trim edge could go?

keith mitchell
02-15-2016, 08:00 AM
Steve I watched the last episode, the bit showing the mass migration of birds was really something else. Nice to see the ledges free of ice and snow for these birds, must have been great getting this excellent shot with the added bonus of sound.


Bill Dix
02-15-2016, 03:23 PM
Although I liked Part I better as an image, this one really gives a sense of the scale of the cliff teeming with birdlife. Must have been quite an experience. Thanks for sharing.

William Dickson
02-15-2016, 06:18 PM
Great POV Steve, reminds me of the May Isle :S3: Fantastic view and I love the colours.


02-15-2016, 06:31 PM
Wow, what a spectacle. Very thought provoking image for me, wondered about the "societal dynamics" amongst the guillemonts... Id love to drop anchor and stay for days to watch this!

Daniel Cadieux
02-15-2016, 06:35 PM
Such a superb sense of grandeur here!! Works really well...I only wish the larger bird at top edge was not cut, but such a minor point overall.

Marina Scarr
02-15-2016, 07:51 PM
While I really find this image remarkable and unique, the horizontal works far better in my opinion.

Glennie Passier
02-16-2016, 02:36 AM
Yep. Ditto all the things said above. Love the perspective and grandeur. As Keith mentioned, the cacophony must have been something to experience.


Steve Kaluski
02-16-2016, 04:06 AM
Thanks folks, yep certain a spectacle and Parr the skipper knows exactly how to get you in to the cliff face to get the full 'majesty' of this location. I've done three trips with him and each time he has excelled.

I only wish the larger bird at top edge was not cut, but such a minor point overall.

Indeed Dan, I should have evicted it before posting as I mention, will do on the final file thanks.

Steve Kaluski
02-16-2016, 04:11 AM
Hi Keith, I would have liked to see the ice capped ledges, would have created another option, perhaps next time. Yep a great programme/series and watch this weeks, I need to record it.

Great POV Steve, reminds me of the May Isle

Will how true, or even on route to Muckle Flgga and further along the cost at Hermeness have you tried it?

I'm sure Marina you have the equivalent in the US. :S3:

Jim Crosswell
02-16-2016, 04:13 PM
This perspective shows the grandness of this scene very well. Excellent image Steve!

Grace Scalzo
02-17-2016, 09:43 PM
Took me a minute to fully appreciate this, but it is a fun image to visually investigate and absorb. Well done.