View Full Version : Mutiny on the Hooptie Deux

James Shadle
06-07-2008, 07:06 PM
Daniel Cadieux jealous over my Nikon gear and The Hooptie Deux, mutinies and temporarily takes over control.

Like any good Canadian, a dounut was his undoing.
While Daniel was searching for the fictious dounut I offered him, I was able to regain control.

Captian Darth of "The Hooptie Deux"

Alfred Forns
06-07-2008, 08:30 PM
Glad you made it down Daniel !!!! Looks like you guys had some good weather !! ..... fast thinking Darth!!! :D:cool:

Van Hilliard
06-07-2008, 08:39 PM
I could see that he was eying the controls throughout the morning before the takeover. It's a good thing you were still backing toward the launch ramp when he took over. Who knows what might have happened had the boat been in the water.
You must admit he does cut a dashing -- if somewhat gullible -- figure at the controls.

James Shadle
06-07-2008, 08:42 PM
The problem is - we were 5 miles out when this happened!

Daniel Cadieux
06-07-2008, 09:09 PM
I'm finally home...Hooptie Deux-less. No Hooptie Trois for now! My plan to steer the vessel north to the land of the REAL donuts (you guys call those donuts?? and lets not get started with what you guys call "beer") was thwarted soon enough let me say.

Seriously though, that was one awesome day!! Thank you a million times for an unforgetable time. Dr. Van, it was a real pleasure to meet you too :-)

Van Hilliard
06-08-2008, 06:31 AM
I too enjoyed the day immensely. It was great fun and a productive day as well. I think I'll remember your account of the ruffed-grouse attack for the rest of my life. James (Captain Darth) does a great job at the helm, always working to give us perfect shooting opportunities.

I have a theory about that great Canadian beer. It has to do with realizing where you live. I made my escape more than 30 years ago and find that I don't need northern beer as much.


Judy Lynn Malloch
06-08-2008, 03:04 PM
Looks like at all had a wonderful day and especially Daniel. One can hardly miss James and all the awesome opportunities. Look forward to seeing all your captures. That boat would do well along the Ottawa River I am sure. Used to have a cottage at Constance Bay Daniel so know your part of the country well.

Axel Hildebrandt
06-08-2008, 03:47 PM
Donuts and beer? Interesting combination. :)

Judd Patterson
06-08-2008, 04:21 PM
Donuts and beer? Interesting combination. :)
Donuts, beer, and boats...even more interesting! Glad to learn that order was eventually restored.

Michael Pancier
06-09-2008, 08:47 AM
powdered donuts and beer go well together. I've tried it. don't knock it:p

Stephen Stephen
06-09-2008, 11:48 AM
Dan, welcome back! Too bad that you didn't get away with the Hoopie Deux. We could have used it to expand our trips along the Ottawa River and Rideau Canal system. ;)

Did you bring James any "Tim Horton's" (AKA 'Timmies') coffee? He would have likely become addicted and would have had to make a trip up our way to get a fix.

I hope that you've invited him up here sometime.