View Full Version : Eider

William Dickson
12-27-2015, 04:14 PM
Canon 5D Mk3
f/4 500mm with 1.4
ISO 1000

The weather over here has been rainy and very windy, with more to come. The good thing about it is, the eiders are taking shelter in the harbour. The sun showed today for a few hours. This is one from this afternoon, when I took a walk to the harbour.

Ths is my last one for a while, as I am off to Tenerife for the New Year holiday :S3:

Thanks for looking, and a Happy New Year to all :cheers:


Allen Sparks
12-27-2015, 10:23 PM
Hi William,
a handsome duck that you have captured very well even though I am wondering about the noise level on the tip of the beak and front of the bird. Exposure on the bird looks good. The BG gives the image a sense of place as you mention although I am somewhat distracted by the orange horizontal on top left. All in all a fine image.