View Full Version : Pochard

David Cowling
11-13-2015, 04:54 PM
This duck is a winter visitor to the UK. This is a female. A first time of seeing this species for me. I would welcome observations regarding the focus on this image. I have reservations about the focus with the extender on this lens but have not made any adjustments following advice posted elsewhere on these forums. The focus was right on the head.

Canon 7D2 Canon 100-400 L Mk2 Canon 1.4x Extender 2 Hand Held

1/1000th @ f 8 Auto ISO at 400

gail bisson
11-14-2015, 05:19 PM
Hi David,
I see what you are seeing re: focus on the head. The head ( eye area) is sharp but not "tack sharp". Bill looks good.
I would not do anything until you test your lens and 1.4x on a tripod- that way you know if you are rock solid.
Still a good image. Would lobe to see one IRL someday.

Stu Bowie
11-15-2015, 04:24 AM
Hi David, I like the colours on this lady, especially the head. Lovely red eye. Focus/sharpness on the head looks fine to me.

John Hackney
11-20-2015, 05:47 AM
Focus looks good, possibly a little bit of a front focus on this shot. I use the same combo and my AFMA is +1 from no TC.

Lovely shot and bird.