View Full Version : Long tailed Tit and Dogwood.

keith mitchell
11-03-2015, 05:28 AM
Nikon D300
Nikon 500mm F4

1/1000 @f8
iso 500.

Unable to get out and about after a major operation on my leg so have to keep looking on my old files for something to post(going crazy stuck in this house). When I first started trying to photograph birds tried to get them against different bg this on was Dogwood not sure if it's technically right but must say I was pleased with it at the time.

Thanks for taking a look.

Steve Kaluski
11-03-2015, 12:33 PM
Hi Keith, good to know you are on the mend and time will soon fly by before you are out and about again.

Sweet image and the vibrant BKG offsets the subject well. I might come in a fraction on the RHS to loose that wispy bit in the bottom LH corner. The dark patch in the BKG is a little distracting, but very easy to fix. I might just add a wee bit of sharpening to the eye and surrounding area. Techs are are lot better now, that D4 would easily outstrip this and you could afford a higher SS too.


keith mitchell
11-03-2015, 02:41 PM
Cheers Steve, could be confined for a while but should be able to get down the garden and do a few garden birds.


Steve Kaluski
11-03-2015, 02:56 PM
Keith, the short condiment won't be for long, as and when you get the opportunity get out there, it will do you the world of good and don't let the ISO stop you, crank it up and use that D4 :cheers:.

Gabriela Plesea
11-03-2015, 03:02 PM
Hello Keith,

What a cutie of a bird, really sweet pose and I like the BG as well as perch:) Lovely colours too!

Good advice from Steve above and I agree SS too low, perhaps you were still experimenting at the time you captured this image?
Sorry to hear about your leg operation and sincerely hoping you'll be up and about very soon. I am looking forward to see more from you, keep looking in those old files for little gems like this, thank you so much for sharing :cheers:

Kind regards,

William Dickson
11-03-2015, 05:45 PM
Hi Keith, get well soon :S3: Beautiful colours throughout and I love the facial expression.


Daniel Cadieux
11-03-2015, 06:49 PM
I don't think 1/1000s. was too slow, especially for perching birds. F/8 looks great. I agree with Steve about the black area in the BG...a low-opacity clone stamp should be able to take care of that without any problems. I'd also look at toning down the white cut-off branch tip - that is one thing to look out for ahead of time when using setups. I love the overall colours, and the subject's cuteness sure takes this up a notch or two! I also like the inclusion of the spiralling twig, neat touch. Get well soon!

keith mitchell
11-04-2015, 06:33 AM
Thanks to you all, Gabriela at that time Certainly was experimenting and still am for that matter ,must say looking back I did like the D300,Dan I will try the low-opacity clone stamp but you guys on here can usually see where I have been, Will thanks for your kind words, got your e mail Steve thanks for that.

Cheers Keith.

Jonathan Ashton
11-04-2015, 06:34 AM
Nice shot Keith, I like everything but that cut stem catches my twig, when I encounter similar circumstances I rub the white area with a bit of soil so it blends in.

keith mitchell
11-04-2015, 06:58 AM
Nikon D300
Nikon 500mm.

Thanks Jonathan .

Marina Scarr
12-17-2015, 04:36 PM
What a terrific photo! Your bird is such a cutie-pie and so full of details. Your BG is outstanding. I love that squiggly piece of twine under the perch!

keith mitchell
12-19-2015, 07:55 AM
Thanks Marina, the perch was a twisted Hazel and the Bg was Dogwood which I think made a nice effect.

Wish you a very happy Christmas .
