View Full Version : The owlets

Steve Kaluski
10-26-2015, 04:06 PM
Could not resist popping this one up, the mesmerising stare of these two was so nice, curious to know what the shutter noise was I guess, as they looked straight down the barrel. This was only a few days after they began to explore their new surrounding. The hay bales are 'as is' and any 'gardening' I feel would loose the 'natural' aspect, some may feel items should be removed, but as you have bo control over where these guys will go it would be a loosing battle IMHO.

No need for comments about the species or habits, only about the image please, thank you. Thanks for either viewing or commenting on the previous image guys.


Subject: Two Little owlets (Athene noctua) youngsters on the bales of hay
Location: UK
Camera: Canon 1DX
Lens: 500f/4 Gitzo tripod/Unique ball head
Exposure: 1/2000s at f/5.6 ISO2500
Original format: Landscape
Processed: LRCC & PS CC2015 - (cropped for presentation)

Note: The subject is fully wild and completely unconstrained. Besides the potential impact of my presence, nothing has been done to intentionally alter or affect the ongoing behavior of the subject and, of course, there has been no use of any form of bait or other form of wildlife attractants (including vocalisations) in the capture of this image.

Jim Crosswell
10-26-2015, 05:01 PM
I like the eye contact and exposure control The sharpness and detail on the front owl are nice. I am not usually a fan of OOF birds in the frame but it works for me here. I could see a squarish crop here as well but its fine as presented. Nice image Steve!

David Salem
10-26-2015, 05:08 PM
Nice to see your little ones out and exploring the world around them. I like the direct stare, the nice details and the straw perch.
I don't mind the oof bird in the BG and I have kept many of my owls frames like this. Well done

Grace Scalzo
10-26-2015, 07:06 PM
I love it. No need for any cleanup whatsoever in my mind. Great processing and the eyes draw me right in.

Karl Egressy
10-27-2015, 09:47 AM
Nice image, Steve. I love the stare.

Mike Poole
10-27-2015, 11:48 AM
Great dual pose, and I like shots like this with the OOF second bird.

In an ideal world, that one stand wouldn't be in front of the main bird, but as you say, you can't control where they land. It would take a fair bit of gardening to get rid of it in a a natural looking way. Maybe toning to down a bit might help?


Gabriela Plesea
10-29-2015, 12:18 PM
Good evening Steve,

You may not be able to control where these little guys go, but great control of techs here Sir, and composition is superb:)

Very creative, love to see one sibling shadowing the other, super cute expression from both. Perfect DOF, natural looking colours and wonderful detail.

My favourite avian subjects, they have so much character and those piercing eyes are fascinating. Thank you for another beautiful image Steve:5

Warmest regards,

Jonathan Ashton
10-30-2015, 12:05 PM
Very nice indeed Steve, I quite like the juxtaposition and as always the detail is excellent.

keith mitchell
10-30-2015, 03:07 PM
Steve the back bird even though oof adds a lot to the image, would be well pleased if this was mine, great work.


Steve Kaluski
10-31-2015, 04:04 AM
I quite like the juxtaposition

That's what I liked too Jon :S3:, cheers Keith, hope all is good with you and your health is ever improving and you are able to get out and about, any signs of the SEO's? All the best.

Cheers folks. :wave:

Steve Kaluski
10-31-2015, 04:07 AM
You are very kind Gabriela with your words and comments, I just need to think about the next one which is a bit 'off the wall' and more about the capture and PP and pushing the thinking :S3:.