View Full Version : Female Wood Duck.

Karl Egressy
10-22-2015, 05:30 PM
She knows she is pretty.
Thanks for looking.

Canon 1D Mark IV
Canon 100-400 f4.5-5.6 L IS II.
ISO 1000
f 6.3
1/250 s

John Robinson
10-22-2015, 05:39 PM
Hi Karl
I reckon I prefer these to the Males !!! Lovely looking birds. She looks pretty pleased with herself !!
I would give it a bit more "oooph" Without getting all technical and stuff- just try dropping the gamma a bit.

William Dickson
10-22-2015, 05:44 PM
Lovely Karl. That bird just loved getting her picture taken :w3 Great detail and colours, fitting well with the BG


stuart wanuck
10-22-2015, 06:05 PM
karlgood job nice and clear

keith mitchell
10-23-2015, 05:22 AM
Karl a lovely clean neat shot natural shot, don't see anything I would change.


Stu Bowie
10-23-2015, 06:12 AM
Hi Karl, I like the proud pose, and you managed a good HA too. The feather detail looks great, and thats a killer BG. I see an artifact just behind the head.

Steve Kaluski
10-23-2015, 08:42 AM
Hi Karl, nice portrait and the eye looks pretty cool, especially with your reflection, but it's the PP to the back of the subject and background that lets it down. As you can see the artefacts as Stu mentioned to the plumage and coloration change in the BKG quiet easily, what happen, did you lighten/clone out???

I know you were at ISO 1000 with the MKIV, but would have liked a bit more SS.


Jim Crosswell
10-23-2015, 11:23 AM
I like the alert pose, eye clarity, HA and composition. Very well done Karl!

Michael Hansen
10-23-2015, 05:52 PM
What's really weird is the exif data is showing a 5D Mark III, 500mm @f/5.6


Daniel Cadieux
10-24-2015, 07:28 AM
Killer portrait! I love the proud perky pose. I think I would darken the midtones by about half-stop or so, and clean up the mark behind the subject, but all else is super.

Satish Ranadive
10-24-2015, 09:43 AM
Magnificent portrait with superb IQ.
