View Full Version : 3000th Post one BPN! A Handsome Leopard

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
10-21-2015, 02:33 PM
Hi folks,
Happy to reach this milestone on BPN. A BIG thank you to all for being there & all your encouragement and critiques! Posting another leopard image from OD, Botswana.
ISO 1600

Rachel Hollander
10-21-2015, 09:19 PM
Hi Sanjeev - Congratulations on the milestone and thanks for all your participation. You've certainly come a long way since you first joined. Very fitting to have a leopard post. Nice pose, dof and sharpness. Some of the blacks seem a bit strong to me. I think you get a bit more out of the image tonally. Here's to the next 3,000 posts.


Steve Kaluski
10-22-2015, 02:59 AM
BIG congratulations Sanjeev, you have come a long way since your first posting, however your quest to develop has really shown, especially in the last few months with some outstanding Leopard images. You know how important it is to build on the basics and grow from them, it may have seemed to have been at times an uphill struggle, a mountain to climb, but the images now are a testimony to your hard work and perseverance in learning. You can also see how important constructive commenting is and it's participation, as it also builds on your own development and how you, yourself can improve and what to think about in your own shooting & PP.

A very fitting image and a nice portrait, maybe a hint more warmth via WB, WDYT??? I might tickle in the white at the bottom LH corner and crop a little off the RHS to remove the brighter grass HL, you could clone, but a crop is easier and I feel would not hurt the image overall, but just a thought.

Well done, now it's that never ending 'honing and refining'. :cheers::cheers:


Stu Bowie
10-22-2015, 05:08 AM
Hi Sanjeev, big congrats on your milestone, and hopefully you will continue for many more. What a lovely angled pose from this magnificent animal, and I like detail and sharpness. Good DOF on the head. With the amount of sightings you had on your trip, you should easily get to another 3000 posts. :w3

haseeb badar
10-22-2015, 07:44 AM
Hi Sanjeev -- Many congratulations ! Haven't followed you from the beginning but the images you produce certainly reflects how hard you have worked and your thirst for learning , certainly an inspiration for someone like me .
I agree with Steve on adding some warmth here , but overall a very nice image with good details and sharpness . TFS !

Morkel Erasmus
10-24-2015, 06:51 AM
Doc Sanjeev, I can only echo the words written above.
Congrats on coming so far this year in your photography and processing! :5 :cheers:
You are an asset to the BPN community. Lovely image of this leopard (I recognise the individual from earlier posts).

Gabriela Plesea
10-24-2015, 11:37 AM

Whew, I was away when you shared that special image to celebrate your baby's birth, now I missed your 3000th...My apologies. Big congrats again and hope there's much more to come, you have delighted us with so many amazing images, I have lost count...Well now I know, it's 3000:bg3: Morkel is absolutely right, you are an asset to the BPN community and ...a very special friend here in Wildlife. Thank you for your contribution, for your enthusiasm, for your hard work:5

Warmest regards,

Mike Poole
10-24-2015, 05:03 PM
A superb portrait to celebrate your 300th post - well done on both counts


Andre Pretorius
10-25-2015, 01:17 PM
Hi Sanjeev

Congrats Sir, I am still a looong way off!:bugeyed:

Well captured, would just add some mid-tone contrast.
Agree with others to add some more tone.
Would suggest a Sat layer and remove Magenta- on my monitor he wears a Magenta Crown...
