View Full Version : Hawk watching for breakfast

Diane Miller
09-14-2015, 07:10 PM
I was driving up a road in the eastern Sierra last week, scouting for a sunrise shot of an area of rugged mountains, when I came across several hawks perched on very picturesque fence posts. The air was too smoky for the sunrise shots I had hoped for but perfect for the hawks. They didn't mind the few cars that went by at normal speeds but generally spooked when I slowed down. But managed to get close enough to a couple of them, shooting out the car window. Went back the next morning hoping for the same luck and found only one hawk, which flew away, but got shots of several Western Meadowlarks.

Canon 5D3 (was only expecting scenery so the 7D2 was in the motel room). But did have the 100-400 II on it, which worked out OK. ISO 800, 400mm, f/5.6, i/1600, handheld out the car window. Cropped from the horizontal, with just a small amount off the top. Basic LR adjustments, into PS for some minor BG cleanup of very OOF cows.

Is this a juvenile Red Tail?

Uh-oh -- looks like I neglected an embossed-looking cow here. Visualize it gone.

Sidharth Kodikal
09-14-2015, 07:17 PM
Stunning portrait Diane. Just love the colors and this regal raptor. Nice details, nice perch and I like the evidence of food on the bill. I could see going a bit more vertical vs the squarish crop, but this is certainly very very nice as is.
Do you have any with the head (or the eye) turned ever so slightly our way?

Don Hamilton Jr.
09-14-2015, 09:10 PM
Totally Killer!!! Love everything about this image. yes true a bit more HA.. would be totally over the top!!! Big congrats!!!

Diane Miller
09-14-2015, 09:32 PM
Thanks guys! You can speak to the hawk about the head angle offered.... (I tried to.) I have a different hawk (or at least one on a different post) that is a little better -- will post soon, but it was a little smaller in the frame due to a little more distance.

Jonathan Ashton
09-15-2015, 04:18 AM
That is a super image Diane, excellent sharpness, lighting and colours and a dreamy background, I bet you were pleased with this one!

christopher galeski
09-15-2015, 05:35 AM
Loverly image Diane,nice BG and perch,good light and detail.TFS.

Daniel Cadieux
09-15-2015, 05:58 AM
Fantastic BG and gnarly perch! Great view of the talons. The square crop works well too. If by that cow you mean that area in lower left corner then yes you could/should smooth that out for your files. Super nice all around. Hard to tell the age without seeing the other side of the tail. Was it "rusty" or browinsh and striped?

Geoff Newhouse
09-15-2015, 09:18 AM
Great image...of course HA is a problem but not bad at all...I'm guessing there used to be a cow in the lower left as large circle is there now...may want to work on that cloning a bit more to improve as it did draw my attention immediately.


Grace Scalzo
09-15-2015, 11:02 AM
Love the well worn perch, the beautiful background and of course the red tailed hawk. Of course the "cow circle" is gone in my imagination. :) I like strong verticals for images such as this but you have a convincing composition here which works well. I'm not bothered by the head angle either. Well done.

Bill Dix
09-15-2015, 04:46 PM
Lovely light and pose. In fact, the HA is just right for me. Good perch and bg too. I could see a bit more on top and less on the left, but it works nicely just as posted. Other than the cow circle.

Diane Miller
09-15-2015, 05:50 PM
Thanks guys! The bizarre OOF specular cow is gone, but I won't bother with a RP here. I did find one with a better HA -- don't know why I overlooked it before -- I do appreciate the nuance of a slight turn. Will post it when my 24 hrs are up, then a couple of decent Meadowlarks.

Meanwhile, here is a view of the tail, in bad light. Odd thing is, there were several hawks that looked the same, perched in different places over about a mile of road. Unlikely they would have been the same individual. All juveniles?? Or not Red Tails at all...? I saw a definite Red Tail flying in the distance over the cow pasture, and what I think was a Harrier, by the dramatic white area at the base of the tail. And I saw a Kestrel on a gorgeous post but it spooked before I got close enough.

Next time, this location will be primarily for hawks and secondarily for astrophotography! If I had time, I'd go back again tomorrow!!


Daniel Cadieux
09-16-2015, 04:51 AM
Yeah, that tail points to juvenile. Another thing is that an adult would more than likely not have permitted you to get close like this.

David Salem
09-16-2015, 11:24 AM
What a fantastic frame you've captured of this passage (Juvie) Red-tailed hawk Diane. The details and colors look great and I don't mind the pose as it is looking out over the field hunting.
To my eye it looks like it could use a little more black to the frame. A little clarity slider or a levels adjustment would finish this one of well.
Another tip that I do often in this situation is to make a squeezing sound as you are shooting the hawk. 90% of the time they look over at you for the perfect HA. Practice a loud high pitched squeak. I have turned many raptors in mid flight using this technique. Nice work.