View Full Version : Little Bee-Eater

Ian Wilson
07-19-2015, 12:09 AM
Captured in Tarangire NP, Tanzania, on 5 April 2015.

Canon 5DIII + 600 mm f/4 II + 1.4x III extender, hand-held from vehicle.
Manual, spot metering, spot AF, f/7.1, 1/640 sec, ISO 400.
Processed with DPP4 and PS Elements, removed a few distracting bits of vegetation in the background.

Thanks for looking, critical feedback welcome and appreciated.
Regards, Ian.

christopher galeski
07-19-2015, 01:05 AM
nice capture Ian,nice pose and perch,sharp with good detail,the only nit is the BG bottom left,easy sorted.TFS.

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
07-19-2015, 02:33 AM
Super pose and light on the bird. I like how it's perched between the short branches. Nice vertical comp.

Karen Pleasant
07-19-2015, 07:50 AM
You did a fine job handholding and capturing this from a vehicle! Excellent technicals, composition and processing. I would be tempted to take just a little off the bottom to tame the lower LH corner.

My goal for my first trip to SA is to come home with at least one keeper image of a bee eater! LOL! Great inspiration here!

Bill Dix
07-19-2015, 08:54 AM
Beautiful capture of a beautiful bird. Nice pose and perch. My eye, too, went to the lower left corner, that might be smoothed out a bit if you do that sort of thing.

Diane Miller
07-19-2015, 06:48 PM
Beautiful -- great colors and detail! I'm with the gang on the LL -- I'd crop to just below where the stem attached to the dark bud intersects the main stem and remove the two diagonal branches. I'd also trim the tiny piece of a light branch in the UR.

adrian dancy
07-21-2015, 09:08 AM
A lovely bird...nice processing. I'm fine with the crop.

Ian Wilson
07-21-2015, 06:54 PM
Thanks everyone for your comments and useful suggestions. This morning I set to work on the image and adopted most of your suggestions. It all made quite a difference and I am very grateful for your help. Warm regards, Ian.