View Full Version : Theme Willet

Mike Poole
07-02-2015, 11:24 AM

An overcast morning so I decided to try some high key shots of white(ish) birds, so I think I'm right this time saying this is a willet

Canon 5d3
500mm f4is
ISO 1600
!/1000th f4

Randy Stout
07-02-2015, 12:16 PM

Works very well as high key image. Nicely exposed, with just enough detail in background to give some sense of depth. Excellent low shooting angle.

Seems almost ethereal. I like the way the feet hide behind the little wave.



Bill Dix
07-02-2015, 12:52 PM
Nice incoming pose, low angle. Dreamy feeling from the overcast lighting. Yes, it looks like a Willet to me.

Joseph Przybyla
07-02-2015, 01:28 PM
Lovely image, Mike. Don't you wish you lived here... Ft. Desoto is such a treasure for shorebird photography. Thank you for sharing.

Rachel Hollander
07-02-2015, 04:11 PM
Hi Mike - I really like this and agree it has a dreamlike feel to it. I do find myself wishing for a little more room below but that may just be me since no one else mentioned it. Btw this month's theme in Wildlife is right in your wheelhouse.


Mike Poole
07-02-2015, 04:47 PM
Thanks Rachel, your thoughts are appreciated. For the wildlife theme I used all my favourites before the theme was announced !


Hi Mike - I really like this and agree it has a dreamlike feel to it. I do find myself wishing for a little more room below but that may just be me since no one else mentioned it. Btw this month's theme in Wildlife is right in your wheelhouse.


gary ellwein
07-02-2015, 04:47 PM
Mike, I like the way you used the environmental conditions and depth of field. The bird appears to be emerging from a cloud of mist.

Mike Poole
07-02-2015, 04:49 PM
Lovely image, Mike. Don't you wish you lived here... Ft. Desoto is such a treasure for shorebird photography. Thank you for sharing.
You have no idea! Wonderful place but I loved the whole area, I could move there with very little argument! Thanks for stopping by


keith mitchell
07-03-2015, 03:12 AM
I would live there anytime, looking at your images Mike makes think about my time over there, perhaps next year. Agree with the above a real dreamy image which I like a lot.


Jonathan Ashton
07-03-2015, 11:02 AM
Lovely atmospheric shot Mike - well done.... I am thinking maybe I'll have to pop over to this place sometime!