View Full Version : Take - Off (Buteo Buteo)

Eric Dienesch
04-18-2015, 02:39 AM
Like this I wanted it already photographed long time .
Yesterday it worked nearly finally. :w3

I hope you like it a litle bit


1D X, 300mm (300/2.8L IS),
1/2000 Sek., f/3.2, ISO 400

Gianluca Molina
04-18-2015, 03:38 AM
Beautiful but personally I would have slightly increased the contrast ....

If you do not feel a offfesa I am allowed to rework it a little bit ...

Eric Dienesch
04-18-2015, 04:21 AM
Hello und thx..
no Problem, but for me its now a little bit to much contrast ;-)

Lets see what other avian friends would say...

Gerald Kelberg
04-18-2015, 04:17 PM
Hi Eric,

This is a very nice, dynamic take-off pose - I like it very much. The bird is beautiful - so much of the pale feathers.

Yes to some more contrast, but less than Gianluca used, in my view; and only on the bird.

Also worth spending some time cleaning up the foreground sand - reducing the dark patches and removing the red items on the beach (more carefully than I have done, of course!).

Thanks for sharing - very well done.


Marina Scarr
04-19-2015, 08:45 AM
Very dynamic take off pose of a very unusual bird for us! Gerald gave us a nice repost which I feel works the best of the three above.