View Full Version : Theme Drink Your Teeea!

Bill Dix
04-13-2015, 01:14 PM
Eastern Towhee, captured yesterday morning doing a whisper-singing version of his signature song. He had been buried in the thicket, but cooperated, briefly, when he popped up on an open perch. I was experimenting with a new lens combo: having demonstrated to myself that the new 80-400 plus 1.7 TC produced less than stellar results, I went for a walk with the 80-400 plus 1.4. Better results than with the 1.7 pairing, and certainly easier to carry up a mountain (even this small one) than the 500f4 plus 1.4 with tripod. Perhaps you get what you pay for? C&C appreciated.

D7200, 80-400 VR + 1.4 TC @ 530mm; ISO 800, 1/1000s @ f/8 manual, HH. Audio. Cropped from horizontal.

John Robinson
04-13-2015, 02:43 PM
Smart looking brd, Bill and a nice bit of interest in the BG. Good IQ from a fair crop too.

Karl Egressy
04-13-2015, 07:33 PM
Great bird to have. I heard and saw the first one of the season about two weeks ago, but I couldn't get him out in the open with the call.

shane shacaluga
04-14-2015, 05:09 PM
Nicely done Bill. Good exposure on both blacks and whites and like the red eye

How are you finding the D7200?