View Full Version : Theme: America!

Shawn Zierman
03-29-2015, 09:34 AM
The experience of photographing this bald eagle was unlike anything I have ever experienced in bird photography....but mainly because of the observers....There were passerbys and a small group of very vocal onlookers that made it memorable...The setting was the ice covered shore of Lake Superior in Duluth, Minnesota. The eagle had killed and consumed a hen mallard earlier in the day, hence the blood bits on the bill. There was still a decent flock of mallards in a small bit of open water by the shore, and the eagle was eyeing them up and made a couple half hearted flights over them while we observed and photographed the bird....but the onlookers....! They were shouting and yelling things like "America!" and "Take the ****ing shot!" at us, as we photographed and watched the bird. At one point, the bird flew about 15 feet directly over my head and landed backlit about six feet right behind me, and these folks were screaming, "Take the shot man! Take the shot!" It was like a sporting event...just roudy, and patriotic, and exciting, and just downright strange compared to the quiet hushed business that bird photography usually involves... I loved the experience!....and this was one tame eagle! This is full frame, with just a sliver trimmed off the top...and it was like this, for about an hour...just relaxed and could have seemingly cared less about us being close or people screaming about "America!" And then there was this lady with a boot cast on, climbing down some icy rocks while trying to take pictures with her I-pad...just wow man... Also, I thought it was strange that the ducks did not bolt...they just sat tight right there in that pocket of open water about 50 yards from this eagle...Anyway, probably happens all the time, I have just never been lucky enough to see it like this....Many thanks to Jason Mandich and Terry Crayne for their North Shore eagle guiding expertise :) Canon7d, Sigma50/500os, iso800, f9, 1/640, barely cropped off the top, otherwise full frame, removed one dust sensor spot, selective NR to the bg, selective USM to the subject.
Shawn Zierman.

Miguel Palaviccini
03-29-2015, 02:28 PM
Wow Shawn! Looks like you got one heck of an experience with this guy. The ruffled neck and head feathers are a big plus. The gradient blue background adds a nice touch too.


shane shacaluga
03-29-2015, 03:38 PM
Lovely portrait. What a regal pose from this mighty eagle. Good use of depth of field and nice composition

The feathers around bottom part of mouth look a bit crunchy. Oversharpened maybe or is that the texture of this birds feathering?


William Dickson
03-29-2015, 03:56 PM
Great image Shawn. Fantastic story, well told, I felt as though I was there with you. :S3: Lovely detail on the bird. Great HA. You did well considering the circumstances. Good work.

Satish Ranadive
03-29-2015, 07:18 PM
Excellent portrait. Superb pose with ruffled neck and head feathers, great details, Beautiful BG and composition.


Gerald Kelberg
03-30-2015, 08:05 AM
Great story Shawn! You had your close-up moment with a juvenile Bald Eagle which must have been a thrill. Too bad you had to share the moment!

Amazing tight headshot with lots of detail to enjoy - I don't see any "crunchy" - I think it is the feather structure. I like the gory bits - builds character!

Thanks for sharing, Gerald

Sidharth Kodikal
03-30-2015, 03:29 PM
A super elegant portrait Shawn. A handsome bird, posing in nice light and I absolutely love the gradient blue BG. Would love to have an experience like this (minus the cheer leaders)

Jim Crosswell
04-01-2015, 11:07 AM
Excellent image Shawn! I like the feather detail, BG, sharpness and tight composition. What a unique shooting scenario.