View Full Version : Perfect Landing

Dvir Barkay
03-09-2015, 01:14 AM

Another one from my 30 minute outing with the Snow Geese a couple months back. p.s. to some it may look like it needs a slight CW rotation to be level, but there was actually a slight gradient in the field that makes it look that way.

1DIII, Canon 300/2.8 L IS with x2TCII, F/7.1, ISO 500, Bombay Hook WR, 2015

keith mitchell
03-09-2015, 08:19 AM
David I'm ok with the rotation and I like the feeding flock and the landing bird not so sure about the b/g and the oof goose, not sure what if anything or indeed if you would think about any change to it, just my personal view of course, bet it was good to be involved with these flocks of lovely Geese.


Daniel Cadieux
03-09-2015, 08:30 AM
Sometimes I will rotate the image even if it was that way in the field (or if it is an illusion). Only you know how it was - so without the benefit of you telling us most would see a slant that should be leveled. For sure the flying oof goose should go. I love the landing pose and you did well with the whites (the overcast light is often helps with that!)

Stu Bowie
03-09-2015, 11:51 AM
Hi Dvir, excellent landing pose with the raised wings, and overall, well exposed on all the whites. Have you got the previous frame where the goose may be totally against the brown BG. Another vote to chase the OOF goose.

03-09-2015, 12:43 PM
This one is much better than the last one. I like the dynamic pose and the BG. You may want to clone out the OOF goose, crop a bit tighter and try to get a bit more details on the goose