View Full Version : Flying Flamingo on Friday

Stu Bowie
02-19-2015, 10:38 PM
Happy Friday everyone. Its not easy when your subject elongates himself across your frame and you just manage to squeeze everything in, without cutting anything off. This is a take off shot, and I like how it looks like he is walking through the air. This was captured early morning during my short trip to Cape Town in early January. Full frame.

Have a great weekend and happy shooting everyone.

Canon 1D Mark IV
Canon 300mm F/2.8 +2X TC = 600mm
ISO 640

Manual exposure

Sidharth Kodikal
02-19-2015, 10:44 PM
*KILLER* pose and details Stu. Love the splash. Great job fitting this long bird in full frame. But to me this one would be even cooler as a pano with more room in front and more of that splash behind!.

christopher galeski
02-20-2015, 01:24 AM
How sharp is this,great image Stuart,love the pose,also the water coming off the foot,agree with Sidharth on pano.TFS.

shane shacaluga
02-20-2015, 04:46 AM
Lovely image and well done not to chop any of its long extremities

Very sharp and bursting with colour. The splash really adds to this image


Rachel Hollander
02-20-2015, 07:12 AM
Hi Stu - techs look great and I love the pose. It does look like its running across the water. I too wish there was more of the splash. Looks like your time with the flamingos paid off.


keith mitchell
02-20-2015, 07:19 AM
Stuart it's long way from it's beak to it's toe but it's sharp all the way, excellent image.


Karl Egressy
02-20-2015, 10:57 AM
Good job keeping it in the frame, Stuart. Great taking off capture.

Stu Bowie
02-20-2015, 11:39 AM
Thanks a stack for the feedback everyone. Here is a pano version. I took quite a bit off the top, now sitting in the top ROT, and a slither off the bottom. Unfortunately, I dont have any more splash. This was full frame.

David Salem
02-20-2015, 11:47 AM
Great looking capture Stuart! I really like the long extended neck and the extended leg in this one as it runs across the water. Your usual sold techs caught this guy in all it's colors and details and I like the pano crop best for this pose. I went to the SanDiego zoo yesterday with my family and I was so drawn to the form and beauty of these birds. Definitely a species I want to see in the wild one day. Well done and thanks for sharing.

John Rowell
02-20-2015, 11:47 AM
Great job of keeping all that bird in the frame, agree with others about the splash. I like the idea of the pano in the repost, but it feels too tight to me. Maybe consider adding a little room all around while keeping the pano ratio.

Jim Crosswell
02-20-2015, 01:32 PM
I like the walking on air pose, splash, IQ, exposure and pano crop. I would add some room in front but still a beauty as presented. Well done Stuart.

Lorant Voros
02-20-2015, 05:36 PM
I love these birds and you have a super take off running moment captured. I'd go with the pano crop with more space in front of the bird. Nice one.

Binu John
02-22-2015, 11:26 PM
What a great shot, Stuart! Excellent pose, action and IQ. I like the crop in the RP better. TFS