View Full Version : Theme Cape buffalo

Charles Jorgensen
02-10-2015, 10:18 AM
This cape buffalo cow stood out to me out of a herd numbering in the hundreds near Satara in Kruger National Park.

Canon 7d, EF 500mm F4, 1/1000 @ f4 iso 640


D. Robert Franz
02-11-2015, 01:24 PM
An interesting take of this image... I'm fine with it.. The one oxpecker is a bit to close to the edge of the frame for me. Would have preferred just the one oxpecker. I also may have liked it framed a bit tighter, crop top and right! Good out of the box thinking here!

Steve Kaluski
02-13-2015, 07:42 AM
Hi Charles, would echo Dales comments, but just check the IQ can stand a tighter crop, I think it can. Adding a couple more rounds of selective USM brings out more clarity in the eye, ear & horn. May I ask why you chose f/4?


Charles Jorgensen
02-13-2015, 09:48 AM
Hi Steve, thanks for the comments. I'm lying in a hospital bed recovering from a spinal procedure so the most I can wield is an iPad at the moment. Will give your and Dale's suggestions a try next week and put up a repost when my body's up to it. Reason for F4 was a mixture between a very overcast day, shooting a 500 for the first time having been used to shooting a 400mm (this was handheld) with no IS and I used to avoid high iso's on my old 7d. I agree a higher F stop would have been better and I no longer worry about higher iso's with my 7d mk2 and I'm way more trusting with the IS in my 500 having had a bit more experience.

Steve Kaluski
02-13-2015, 10:00 AM
Hi Charles, firstly we all here at BPN wish you a speedy recovery and that you are soon back on your feet & 100% fighting fit. :cheers:

I can fully appreciate your reservation, however when you see image shot by Daniel C in Avian you then beg the question why :bg3:, as he produces some outstanding imagery with it. I hope that the new 7DMKII gives you the confidence you need and any concerns in choosing a high ISO are soon put to bed, oh sorry, no pun intended. Look forward to the RP when you have time and look hope to see more from you.

All the very best Charles.

Steve :wave:

Charles Jorgensen
02-13-2015, 10:48 PM
Thanks Steve. Yes, Daniel's work is amazing and quite inspiring.