View Full Version : Clutter of Cubs

Morkel Erasmus
01-29-2015, 04:18 PM
Certainly not the best light - but it was a great sighting and day!

Our day started at 2am when I snapped awake in the Urikaruus Wilderness Camp in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park only to see a pride of lions drinking from the waterhole. All you could hear was their tongues lapping up the water from 50m away. I watched them for a while and then went back to bed. At about 03h00 they started roaring, 3-4 of them at a time, and they didn't stop until it was time to wake up (05h00). We then photographed them drinking again at first light. They were spending most of their time too far away from our camp walkway for proper photos, and they looked set on occupying the waterhole all day, so we headed north to 13th Borehole. Arriving there, what do we find? Mating lions, right next to the car (I posted and image earlier of this). Just as the copulating lions had done their thing, a lioness comes running to the waterhole from the opposite side of the Auob riverbed with 7 cubs of varying sizes in tow. We spent some time with them, and they soon headed over the next dune. We headed north to Mata Mata rest camp to make some calls and stock up on ice - and upon our return (now around 11am) the lioness and cubs were right around the same waterhole again. We spent some time with them, then headed back to our base at Urikaruus, where the lion pride was now passed out under a tree within sight of where we had to get out of the car. When a storm started building up at around 14h00 we decided to head back to the cubs, and we found them in the same spot. We spent about 2.5 hours with them all alone as the storm started building intensely. As the storm was about to break, the creche minder (lioness) got up and started marching them back up to the high dunes where they had come from that morning. The cubs all stopped for one last drink - this is that moment.

Our day ended with a male cheetah who was lazy and didn't want to hunt - but a pretty productive day!

Nikon D810
Nikkor 400mm f2.8 VR
f9.0 | 1/800 SS | ISO-1000

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
01-29-2015, 10:56 PM
Wonderful moment captured Morkel. Thanks for the write up. Makes me want to be there! I don't mind the light, it's a treat to watch the little ones all grouped together.

Tobie Schalkwyk
01-30-2015, 12:53 AM
This is a super shot, Morkel! Enough detail not to miss the fact that the cubs are simply cute and the oof cats in the BG adds just enough interest to confirm your story. A special keeper, for sure!

Morkel Erasmus
01-30-2015, 05:53 AM
Wonderful moment captured Morkel. Thanks for the write up. Makes me want to be there! I don't mind the light, it's a treat to watch the little ones all grouped together.

Thanks Sanjeev - Our day ended with a male cheetah who was lazy and didn't want to hunt - but a pretty productive day!

Carl Walker
01-30-2015, 11:41 AM
Great way to start the day Morkel all be it pre dawn. Nothing like experiencing the wilderness and the environment in such a way. The light is what it is but you have done well to capture the scene playing out. For me the the FG cub turning to look at the lioness and cubs in the bg adds to the scene. Presuming this is FF with the 400 and is the reason you cut off the lioness which is not a big issue but may have added value to the frame. TFS

Dumay de Boulle
01-30-2015, 01:56 PM
Nice "Clutter of Cubs" very nice to get them out in the open and clumped together. I feel the interaction in the BG does add to the image but if you could have gotten the whole Lioness maybe it could or would have been better.
I have looked at this on my iPad and my Macbook and I seem to see red coming through. I don't have my iMac on leave with me (You know how accurate thats been on colour lately) so I didn't check it there. So Im not sure if its red or just my devices. Lets see what others may say.

Rachel Hollander
01-30-2015, 08:12 PM
Hi Morkel - Sounds like a great day with the lions and one cheetah. Thanks for the detailed intro too. If I understood correctly this image is from late in the day in the waning light. I too think the interaction between the clutter of cubs and the ones in the bg adds but wonder if it would have been even better with the full lioness. I agree with Dumay's comments completely including about the reds but you have often said one needs to see the colors of the Kalahari to really appreciate them.


Gabriela Plesea
01-31-2015, 02:20 PM
Dear Morkel,

Delightful sighting and I wish the light was on your side! Having said that, I must admit you got some nice detail on the little ones drinking, and with the cub by the water looking back you just had to include Mom in the BG - good thinking! I bet you have a series of images from this sighting and I look forward to see some more:w3 On BPN, as well as in real life too, off to the KTP next week and this image just wet my appetite for what lies ahead of us - thank you Morkel:cheers:

Warmest regards,

Andreas Liedmann
01-31-2015, 03:14 PM
Hi Morkel sounds that you had a great day out in the Kalahari with all the sightings , somehow you have been spoiled with them .

Very nice scene with all the cubs hanging out together at the water and the ones with mum in the BG. I just wish the female would be fully in the frame , but we cannot have everything at all times :bg3:. I am fine with the overall color and tone , if i remember correctly when i was there once the colors do look quite natural when you get hit by a storm . I have in my mind that all was having this reddish touch . So for me it is ok , but could look unnatural when you have never witnessed this .

TFS Andreas

Anette Mossbacher
02-01-2015, 11:17 AM
Hi Morkel, love the little chaps hanging around the water and mom in BG. I do not mind to see her only half way. For me she is only the second blurry subject to look at and not the major subject :bg3:
Lots said above. I like the color it is similar to down south of Namibia, so fine with me :w3

Have a great eve

Ciao Anette

Steve Kaluski
02-01-2015, 11:31 AM
Hi Morkel, sweet image, like the overall palette colours, all looks well balanced and obviously the location I assume gives this 'Dusty pink' overall coloration? I'm 50/50 on the female, I don't think it's a deal breaker, but if you had waited you may not have captured what you had & the overall 'cute' factor.

Why don't you post to 1200px, images like this need a good display to appreciate them. :S3:
