View Full Version : A catbird in the morning

Nikhil Patwardhan
01-28-2015, 07:19 PM

This image is from October 2014, clicked in Prospect Park in Brooklyn, NY and is a relatively heavy crop (~27%) of the original which was in a horizontal format. This was the first bird that I was able to shoot that morning at 7:30 and this is only one of two shots in the series where it was looking a little towards me. It did not hang around for long and seemed self-conscious, it soon fled into the nearby bushes but I could still hear it call for a while.

Nikon D7000 w/ Nikon 500mm f/4 P lens, tripod mounted at f/4, 1/250s, ISO 640, global edits only in Lightroom 4.

C&C appreciated.

Steve Canuel
01-28-2015, 10:32 PM
Looks like he's doing his best to give you a dramatic pose. I like the stacked pattern of the wing. Just needs a touch more sharpening on the bird for me.

Daniel Cadieux
01-29-2015, 12:11 PM
Ditto on the sharpening, and I wish the perch was better, but I like the regal pose, good BG, and the inclusion of berries at bottom.

Nikhil Patwardhan
01-29-2015, 06:59 PM
Thank you Steve and Daniel

Reposted with sharpening applied to the web version of the file


Daniel Cadieux
01-30-2015, 06:08 PM
Looks better! Got your e-mail and replied....