View Full Version : Theme Carrio Crow

John Robinson
01-19-2015, 02:25 PM
Carrion Crow

Crow bathing and trying to look like a Ruff maybe ?
Pity about he reflection

They are such wary birds but like many others can be really confiding at water, once they accept the hide.
Sigma 100-300mm 250th @f9
640 ISO
Contrast down in camera. 80% 0f frame.
A dose of Fill flash in Paint Shop Pro.9

Geoffrey Montagu
01-19-2015, 03:27 PM
What a pose. Great detail, light and handling of the blacks, John. I think the reflection is fine.


John Robinson
01-19-2015, 03:34 PM
Thanks Geoffrey.Its the kind of shot you only get one stab at! Couple of seconds and its gone ! Somethimes you get lucky! I love crows.

gail bisson
01-19-2015, 06:33 PM
Nice details in the blacks and lovely puffed up chest.
You could avoid your "hated " reflections by going lower!:S3: Put a mattress in your blind and put a new hole in at the bottom of the blind!

Sidharth Kodikal
01-19-2015, 08:38 PM
Fantastic details on this handsome fellow.
You took the January theme and got a head start on the February theme :)

John Robinson
01-20-2015, 03:53 AM
Thanks all. Gail- hide wouldn't take a cushion never mind a mattresse !! Go lower and I loose all my lovely DOF- especially the over the shoulder shots:t3:t3

David Salem
01-20-2015, 11:17 AM
Nice puffed up look to this guy as he is about to get in. The techs and the detail in the blacks looks great and I like the sharp eye. Well done

Mike Poole
01-20-2015, 12:46 PM
Lovely shot John, shoes you don't need the latest and greatest gear, just use the light to its fullest.

Quite like Gails idea of a mattress in a hide - could come in useful for us brits waiting for the sun to come out!

John Robinson
01-20-2015, 12:52 PM
Thanks Mike/David Just finished reading the book by Captain Knight about filming Golden eagles in 1926 and they did use a mattresse in the hide ! I wonder how you set a tripod up n a mattresse ???
Thanks again.

Satish Ranadive
01-21-2015, 12:32 AM
Spectacular image. Superb exposure and details in blacks.
Love the fluffy feather, reflection, habitat and composition.


John Robinson
01-21-2015, 03:43 AM
Appreciated Satish

Binu John
01-21-2015, 03:42 PM
Great shot, John! Excellent exposure and pose and details.