View Full Version : Theme: The Saddest Day in Cooterville

Kerry Perkins
01-17-2015, 11:48 PM
I think most of the regulars here were around when Dave was such a big presence on OOTB. Every year I post this tribute image I made, which shows one of Dave's favorite birds wondering where his photographer is... The title is a reference to his favorite place, Cooterville.

Dave was a unique photographer and artist and inspired us in many ways. He is missed.

Anita Bower
01-18-2015, 06:31 AM
A lovely image with great colors and shapes and details. Until I looked closer, i thought the imagined presence was a mangled duck (yikes), but upon closer examination it is the photographer. Nice tribute.

Diane Miller
01-18-2015, 01:04 PM
Thank you for the homage to a guy I never knew, but wish I had. I saw an earlier link to his work (your last year's post?) but have lost the bookmark to it. Can you post it again? Maybe some other newbies here never knew his work.

I shot some coots yesterday. Will have to look closely at their expressions -- maybe this guy's spirit is there.

Cheryl Slechta
01-18-2015, 03:48 PM
Kerry, I feel so fortunate to have been new to OOTB when Dave was still here. He was a powerful creative force and I always waited anxiously for his critiques of my posts. He would have liked this image a lot.

Diane, there's a link to his website in the description of the theme but I'll post the composite I did after Dave died which I post every year. I'm sorry I should have posted it on Saturday but the days kind of all blended together:S3: I'll post it here now and will post it on its own tomorrow.

Thank you for the homage to a guy I never knew, but wish I had. I saw an earlier link to his work (your last year's post?) but have lost the bookmark to it. Can you post it again? Maybe some other newbies here never knew his work.

I shot some coots yesterday. Will have to look closely at their expressions -- maybe this guy's spirit is there.

Dennis Bishop
01-18-2015, 08:58 PM
I don't think I was active here when Dave was. Too bad. His work looks extraordinary.

Jackie Schuknecht
01-24-2015, 06:26 AM
Cheryl, so great to have this collage. He was so creative, and like you I enjoyed a critique from him because he was always right on the money. Kerry wonderful tribute!