View Full Version : Great tit

01-11-2015, 03:23 AM
7D, EF300F4
F8, ISO500, 1/125sec, garden setup, hide, tripod

Randy Stout
01-11-2015, 07:13 AM

Striking image with interesting/detailed perch, well posed bird, and a simple in some ways, but very lively background. Almost a sense of movement/panning effect, although I know it was stationary. The diagonals give a sense of movement as well.

Its hard to explain why, but the background to me slightly overpowers the bird. I could see a little more cropping to rebalance the bird/bg ratio, or perhaps even lowering the luminosity and contrast of the bg a tiny bit.

This is probably just my personal reaction, and others will feel differently I am sure.


gail bisson
01-11-2015, 09:23 AM
Really nice image.
I agree with Randy's critique 90%.
I personally like the BG as is- really looks like you were panning and gives a great sense of motion.
Sweet perch,

Miguel Palaviccini
01-11-2015, 09:30 AM
Definitely a neat background, is it a print behind the bird?

I might add just a tad of room below if it's available.

01-11-2015, 09:41 AM
Thanks for comments.
BG is not a print. As in the previous two posts BG is a garden Miscanthus sinensis. I tried to get in the frame differents parts of it, just stems and leaves or the middle-top part including feather like seedheads. Different shades of browns are due different light and due the stems were wet/dry.

keith mitchell
01-11-2015, 11:39 AM
Very clever use of the b/g good bit of thinking, neat sharp bird and a nice perch.

Mike Poole
01-11-2015, 02:08 PM
Nice pose and a lovely perch. The BG speaks for itself.

The colours look a little pale compared to my local Great tits, particularly the yellows on the breast. Maybe worth adding a little more vibrance to that area and desaturating the blues might give a richer black on the head
