View Full Version : Grey Headed Canary Flycatcher

12-17-2014, 07:42 AM
Did a short trip to the Western ghats of India after almost 7 yrs. Somehow this place never fails to amaze me and this trip was no exception either. Did mudumalai, ooty and kotagiri and met some really nice people too. This GHCF was shot at Ooty at Sims Park and was one of the few decent images I made. My bad luck was throughout the trip as rains decided to follow me down south! Looking forward to another trip in Feb.

PS: A very low light shot and Id say that the 7D held up well! And im still using the old one for 4 yrs now.

1/160, 1600, -0.3, f8, Canon 7D, 420mm


Grace Scalzo
12-17-2014, 08:25 AM
Your image is quite beautiful. Nicely done in tough conditions. The bird has a sweet pose. The only thing that is a bit distracting is the broken end of the perch, maybe darken it to hide it a bit? Looking forward to more of your images.

Daniel Cadieux
12-17-2014, 02:57 PM
Exposure and sharpness look spot on. Beautiful background. The yellows look super, but the grays seem to have a bit of purple hue to them. The biggest issue though is indeed the broken perch tip and how it is blocking the feet and pointing towards us. Good comp....

keith mitchell
12-17-2014, 03:59 PM
Apart from the end of the perch which does draw my eye even if I try to ignore it, this is excellent, bird itself is beautiful.