View Full Version : Family Arrives

Iain Barker
11-20-2014, 06:30 PM
I went out photographing the Whooper swans the overwinter in this area last week.
Although this image was taken into very strong back lighting I like the way it lit the wings of the incoming birds.

All C&C welcome.

Nikon D7000, 300mm f4 Af + 1.4x tc, 1/2000sec f7.1 iso 400.

Randy Stout
11-20-2014, 07:44 PM

I do like the transilluminated wings and the effect on the juvis feet as well. Good separation of all three, small clouds in sky give some extra depth there.

Bokeh is a bit nervous on the bushes.

Perhaps a tiny sliver more space on the bottom if you have it.



Miguel Palaviccini
11-20-2014, 08:50 PM
Iain, very cool that you got all three without any overlap (doing this with two is tough enough). The feet spread of the middle one does it for me. Wishing for a "cleaner" background, but that isn't something you could have controlled here.

Bob Smith
11-20-2014, 09:07 PM
I agree Iain, the backlighting makes the image---and terrific timing on the positioning of the trio. How far were you from these birds when you took the shot?

11-21-2014, 12:07 AM
Nice image with 3 of them facing in, the cloud in the sky is nice , BG is something we take what we get
over all a nice one

christopher galeski
11-21-2014, 01:56 AM
agree with comments above,pleasant image.

John Robinson
11-21-2014, 12:50 PM
Me too. A pleasing image.

Iain Barker
11-21-2014, 06:41 PM
Thanks for the comments. Here is the image with a little more added at the bottom as Randy suggested. Bob I am not sure on the distance bewould estimate they must have been around 100 feet away to have fit in the frame. The crop is about 85% of the full height.

Randy Stout
11-22-2014, 05:59 AM

I like the composition better with the extra space, the lower bird doesn't seem so crowded into the frame.
