View Full Version : dropping in

Bob Smith
11-18-2014, 02:42 PM
These snow geese, newly arrived from Wrangell Is. in the Arctic Ocean north of Siberia, were feeding along the outer edge of Westham Is. each evening. I walked out into about a foot of water to the most outer grass patch, to get this shot. Canon 5D MIII,400mm DO w/ 1.4 extender, f5.6, 1/750, ISO 2000, +2 EV, shutter priority, focus surround, PP w/ Aperture

Randy Stout
11-19-2014, 02:28 PM

Good story/detail about the geese.

I would consider a small amount of CW rotation to level the image, and also pulling the curve up in the middle to give the image a bit more bite.

Froma pure compositional standpoint, wish the landing geese were just a bit more to the left of the frame, not dead center.



Bob Smith
11-20-2014, 03:49 PM
Thank you for the helpful advice Randy> I had to look carefully to find the line you were referring to with regard to levelling but once done the improvement was clear. Shifting the crop to move the landing birds off center of the image makes it closer to the original image. Maybe I'm just not up to speed yet on PP lingo but I found that when I put the cursor on the middle of the curve line I had to pull it down, not up, to give it what I would describe as "more punch". Have I done this right here or is there something I'm missing? I also intensified the pink of the bills a tad.

Randy Stout
11-20-2014, 07:39 PM

I prefer this crop and leveling over the original. I actually did pull the curve up as mentioned, to the point that I was getting a fine rim of highlight warnings along some of the birds edges. The original seemed too dark for my personal taste. Generally I try to avoid any clipping, but in this image it helped the birds stand out a bit form the dull water.

Look forward to more images.

