View Full Version : Theme - Another Nightmare

Cheryl Slechta
11-07-2014, 11:23 AM
Another scene from downtown Gainesville, at night this time. This wall is next to my favorite restaurant. I converted to black and white in LR using the Green filter, then Nik Silver Efex Full Dynamic harsh and then CEP Midnight at 50%. (Gainesville really isn't as spooky as it looks:S3:)
Thanks for looking.

Dennis Bishop
11-07-2014, 01:04 PM
Good leading lines, again, and I like the dark border on the right, which helps to keep the viewer's eyes in the image. The perspective helps with that, too. I also like what you've been doing with the toning of your black & whites. Even at the expense of losing a bit of the content, I think I'd like to see the verticals straightened. (Warping would keep most of it.)

Anita Bower
11-09-2014, 07:15 AM
You photographed a compelling graphic. Your processing does an excellent job of bringing out the details and making the photo impactful. Your title, the words and design make me stop and think.
Like Dennis, I would like to see the verticals straightened. At first I wished the image had been taken straight on, but I assume you didn't have room.
Here is a version straightened, cropped, with the upper left corner cloned, all corners darkened. If I wanted to spend more time on it, I'd add some room at the top. Just another version to consider.
(I hope these "nightmare" images don't reflect your state of mind.)

Jackie Schuknecht
11-09-2014, 01:33 PM
I like the toning a lot. The ambient lighting is nice, but I think it is improved with the lamppost removed. Dennis has a good idea about straightening which Anita has done in the repost. (which I like).

Nancy Bell
11-09-2014, 05:36 PM
Another very interesting urban image. I really like the way you apply b&w to these images. For me it adds just the right kind of soulful impact. I do like the tweaks that Anita applied.

Mitch Carucci
11-10-2014, 01:32 PM
A strong documentary image. It asks so many questions...

Anita's corrections are a plus for me.

Cheryl Slechta
11-10-2014, 04:25 PM
Hi, Anita, no, thankfully they don't reflect my state of mind :). Thanks for reworking this - I like it. I do like the door on the left though- I just need to spend more time correcting the distortion and carefully removing that light at the top.

You photographed a compelling graphic. Your processing does an excellent job of bringing out the details and making the photo impactful. Your title, the words and design make me stop and think.
Like Dennis, I would like to see the verticals straightened. At first I wished the image had been taken straight on, but I assume you didn't have room.
Here is a version straightened, cropped, with the upper left corner cloned, all corners darkened. If I wanted to spend more time on it, I'd add some room at the top. Just another version to consider.
(I hope these "nightmare" images don't reflect your state of mind.)

Cheryl Slechta
11-10-2014, 07:39 PM
I finally sat down and worked on this so that I could keep the door and correct the distortion. Not perfect but I really wanted to keep the door.:S3: Thanks, Anita, for motivating me to stop being lazy and do it right!

Dennis Bishop
11-10-2014, 08:07 PM
Nice work saving the door. Losing it would've been a dear price to pay. This looks good.

Anita Bower
11-10-2014, 08:38 PM
Good job!!

Diane Miller
11-17-2014, 12:38 AM
Another one with a compelling subject well captured and very nice light. I do like the straightened lines. Still a little off on the left, though. Did you do the lens correction first?