View Full Version : Black Falcon

John Cooper
10-31-2014, 03:03 AM
During one of my sesssions photographing the Whistling Kite feeding, a dark image came zooming into the frame scaring the living daylights out of both the kite and photographer!

It turned out to be a Black Falcon (a very rare sighting in my neck of the woods) and unfortunately I was zoomed in on the kite so the frame suddenly became very congested!

The Kite soon found itself in quite a predicament - I'll share that image with you in tomorrows post :w3

EOS 7D, 100-400mm lens at 400mm, 1/1000 sec F8, ISO 400, natural light, tripod, hide.

Ian Wilson
10-31-2014, 04:08 AM
Great action you captured here John! Given the circumstances, it would be churlish to be too critical. I look forward to the sequel. Well done. Regards, Ian

David Salem
10-31-2014, 11:57 AM
Great action John and what a beautiful falcon. You guys must have been blown away when this guy came in. Good job even getting it in the frame. Look forward to the next frames. Well done

Marina Scarr
10-31-2014, 03:04 PM
That must have been some amazing behavior to witness and you did well to stay calm enough to capture it. Looking forward to the next frame.