View Full Version : Theme Precious Horns

Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
10-08-2014, 05:48 AM
I was amazed at the market value these horns fetch (and feel sad that people kill animals for that-its Keratin after all!) I was trying to get a good composition to highlight them but always struggled due to the fixed lens, unfortunately I cut the ears here. I liked the HA, the light and detail on those horns in this image and hence sharing it.
ISO 800

Loi Nguyen
10-08-2014, 03:00 PM
Sanjeeve, you were lucky to be that close to a rhino! Good details and texture. Looks like the light was harsh, but you handled it well. I wish the second rhino was not in th BG though. LOi

Rachel Hollander
10-09-2014, 06:56 AM
Hi Sanjeev - Nice light, detail and sharpness. Again this is processed very well. Great look at the rhino's eye which is isn't always easy to capture. You needed to take the 1.4 tc off in the field and/or shoot in portrait orientation in the field. As with your other image, I find the rhino in the bg to be a problem. Again, hindsight being 20/20 but perhaps shooting wider would have allowed you to use the second rhino to your advantage in framing an image.


Dumay de Boulle
10-09-2014, 01:17 PM
Nicely processed, good sharp detail and good light. I would also like to have seen more space around.

Anette Mossbacher
10-09-2014, 03:29 PM
Hi Sanjeev, very nice details in this and light is very nice. Ever thought of using the 70-200mm with a 2x III. You certainly have more options with that out in the field for comp or the Fiat 500 ( 200-400mm & 1.4).

Have ve a great eve

Ciao Anette

Steve Kaluski
10-10-2014, 08:24 AM
Hi Sanjeev, I like the two Rhinos, a, because it's different and b, you have the two heads at different angles, the FG one with a slight tilt to camera. Crop wise again, it works for me, ears are cropped in this and in this frame I am OK and the horns are not clipped. May work also in B/W providing there is enough tonal contrast.


Morkel Erasmus
10-10-2014, 09:31 AM
I'm with Steve.
Love the symmetry of the rhino face in the BG, complementing the main subject for me. The eye is also nice.
A tad more space would have been nice...