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View Full Version : Greater Flamingo

Phillip Tomkinson
09-27-2014, 09:48 AM
One from a few weeks ago taken at 8:15pm in the South of France.



D3 600 + 1.4tc 1/640th @ f5.6 iso200 camera / lens flat on the ground

PP in Bibble 5pro & CS2.

Lorant Voros
09-27-2014, 11:24 AM
I like the extreme low angle, the walking pose, eye contact and the drop off the bill. I am not sure abut the colors though....

gail bisson
09-27-2014, 01:17 PM
I really like the ultralow angle you have and the OOF flamingos in the BG. Love the mud drop and the leg position.
I am not usually a fan of OOF birds but this works.
I see a large dust spot smack near the lower middle of the frame that needs to be evicted( against the OOF flamingo).
I would also crop from the RHS to evict the OOF bit of flamingo and would blend, smooth out the round blob (more ? oof flamingo).
The color is pretty intense and I feel that if this is the way it was in real life then leave as is, but I could see a version with the yellows toned down a touch,

Marina Scarr
09-29-2014, 08:18 AM
Colors and light are spectacular and the low angle is a huge plus. I like the out of focus birds in the BG but in this particular case, the 2 birds right under the bird's beak are posing in such a way to be a pretty large distraction. That's not to say that I don't wish this image were mine! I love the raised foot and mud drop as well.

11-14-2014, 11:19 AM
I like the pose, the image is underexposed by at least 1.5 stops (too dark) and shows a heavy red cats. details are bit soft, especially the head/eye, maybe sharpen him more. the OOF birds don't work for me either.

I like the raised foot, there is also a dust spot that you can clone out