View Full Version : Egyptian Vulture #2

Dvir Barkay
09-12-2014, 11:07 AM

Another Egyptian vulture shot, same individual as before. The overcast sky made the colors a bit muddy, but nature is nature. To my eyes there is a slight bright halo around the head from bringing up the shadows, can anyone else see it? Or is it just me.

1DmrkIII, Canon 300/2.8 L IS + x1.4TCII, F/5.6, 1/1600s, ISO 500, 50% of original image.

gail bisson
09-12-2014, 12:29 PM
Yes Dvir, I can see the halo so would fix it in PP with a selection that is feathered just to the outermost pixels of the bird.
This is a great bird.
Normally I would not like the fact that the bird has flown past you, but because he is looking back at you I am OK with the position of the bird within the frame.

Dvir Barkay
09-12-2014, 05:08 PM
Yes Dvir, I can see the halo so would fix it in PP with a selection that is feathered just to the outermost pixels of the bird.
This is a great bird.
Normally I would not like the fact that the bird has flown past you, but because he is looking back at you I am OK with the position of the bird within the frame.

Thanks Gail :)

I will fix that. I agree about the bird that has flown away from the viewer, but like you say, he turned his head to look back and I think that makes the shot work, otherwise I would have thrown it away.

Diane Miller
09-12-2014, 11:16 PM
Beautiful bird and great detail -- the position is fine with me. They do fly away sometimes. A great look back saves it.

Jim Crosswell
09-15-2014, 05:16 PM
I like the look back and how the Vulture fills the frames. Halo mentioned by Gail already. Nice image.