View Full Version : great blue heron

Ron Conlon
09-06-2014, 11:11 AM
This great blue lost patience with posing for me, and took off with a squawk. Shot in late afternoon light.
T2i 400mm 5.6 at 5.6 1/1250 ISO400
slight rotation, sharpening, cropping, noise reduction in post

Ian Wilson
09-06-2014, 06:22 PM
Nice capture Ron. I would prefer to see the bird a bit smaller in the frame with a little more room in front. Regards, Ian.

Daniel Cadieux
09-06-2014, 08:15 PM
That looks like a seriously ticked off heron!! Very dynamic screaming pose, although I do wish the far wing's feather did not touch the neck. Nice details, well exposed. Some may find the vertical lines distracting but I actually like them. I could see a version with the heron a bit lower in the frame and with more room in front.

Tom van den Brandt
09-07-2014, 06:59 AM
That's a nice pose. I agree with Ian about the little more room in front.

Cheers, Tom

Miguel Palaviccini
09-07-2014, 09:13 AM
Ian and Daniel made some good points. I would only add to keep photographing this guy. Just a bit better head angle on this one would have been real nice.

Diane Miller
09-07-2014, 03:47 PM
Very nice!! I agree with some off the bottom and a little more on top, but if that's not possible and you want to keep this aspect ration, a darker gradient from the bottom will give the image a nice base.