View Full Version : Me Next!!!

Steve Wheeler
05-20-2008, 07:10 PM
Aside from a robin when I was a kid, this is the first time I've witnessed the "feeding time". I read in a review of a similar image here that the parent usually has their eyes closed while feeding their young. I CAN SEE WHY! They don't want to LOOSE them! Man... There was nothing loving or gentle about this process... It's survival of the fittest from day one baby.

Busy BG (& FG) I know, but I felt lucky to have found a nest where I could see this much of the chicks.

Your thoughts and comments are always welcome.

Thanks for looking...


40D & 500 f4.5, ISO 400, f6.3 @ 1/800, -1/3EV

Daniel Cadieux
05-20-2008, 07:34 PM
Good action, and not easy to capture with all those potentially distracting elements!! I would probably look at desaturating the blues (which also show up strong in the shadows), and eliminating completely the ones poking through in the lower third of the image.

Arthur Morris
05-20-2008, 07:47 PM
Well done despite the relatively harsh light. Head positions of the chicks good. Some SH/H would help a bit more.


Steve Wheeler
05-20-2008, 07:59 PM
Daniel... You know I didn't even notice the blue areas "poking through in the lower third of the image" until reading your feedback. And I thought I was semi-observent... Hmmm

Artie... I'm embarrass but... You're going to have to help me with the acronyms here before I can even begin to try and determine where... "SH/H"?

Thank you both for your comments!


Arthur Morris
05-20-2008, 08:04 PM
Steve, SH/H = making a Shadow/Highight Adjustment which almost always means lightening the dark shadows somewhat without overdoing it. Detailed instructions can be found in both ABP II and Digital Basics. In your image with the sun relatively strong, the shadowed areas are way-black...

Steve Wheeler
05-20-2008, 08:27 PM
OK... Here's the adjusted image. Please consider I'm doing this in LightRoom as I haven't made the jump to PS yet. Cloned out the blue areas in the lower part of the image (could do a better job on the one in the center) and de-saturated the blues in general.

There are some areas that are too dark to recover anything from however I adusted the shadows and highlights as much as I thought I could get away with.
(Thnks again Artie...)


Axel Hildebrandt
05-21-2008, 07:06 AM
I like Artie's suggestions and the repost looks much better. Very nice behavior image!

Arthur Morris
05-21-2008, 07:10 AM
The re-post is a big improvement. Way to go.

Steve Wheeler
05-21-2008, 02:00 PM
Thanks once again for the feedback guys... Your help and suggestions are always welcome.

I'm learning...
