View Full Version : Colours in action

Rosl Roessner
05-20-2008, 04:13 PM
I spent two days watching the European Bee-eaters...
Those were really terrific days and I enjoyed every minute...

I am sure, I'll show some more images in the next days....

Made the image with my Mark III / 500mm + 2x TC
f 8 / 1/800 sec / ISO 800

Arthur Morris
05-20-2008, 04:51 PM
Wonderful timing to get one bird arriving and one bird departing. Let me know how you like the re-post and why.

Maxis Gamez
05-20-2008, 05:43 PM

Hi Rosl,

This is my input. All I did was to push the colors, fix the perch, add the frame, remove noise and a little more sharpening.

Hope you like it.


Robert O'Toole
05-20-2008, 06:12 PM
Love this one Rosl, colors and the poses are great and the Bee in the beak is way cool.

Prefer Maxis' repost overall although I prefer Arties branch work.


Rosl Roessner
05-21-2008, 12:49 AM
Good Morning,
Artie, I am not sure, what I prefer. Indeed I think it is the post from Maxis!
In your repost I find the branch a little boring, It is nearly horizontal and comes in the picture "out of the nowhere".
I like it in the repost from Maxis, where it leads in the image in that little "curve".
For myself the little upwards pointing part of the branch is not distracting, but I know, that you guys love really really clean images :-)))

What I really like is the work Maxis did with the colours, softening and sharpening.... I did some postprocessing work, but like most of the time I did not enough, because I am afraid to do to much. Whe I see your results, I always adore your work. I'll try to make it better this evening with the next bee--eaters.

Thank you for your work!

Chris van Rooyen
05-21-2008, 12:54 AM
Terrific capture. I like Maxis's repost for the same reasons. IMO the colours could be even more saturated, I know these birds well and their colours are quite breathtaking.

Maxis Gamez
05-21-2008, 12:15 PM
What I really like is the work Maxis did with the colours, softening and sharpening....

Thank you for your work!

Hi Rosl,

Your image really helped!! I'm glad I was able to help!

Keep them coming!

Brutus Ostling
05-21-2008, 02:52 PM
It's a good one, really good timing, good lighting conditions - congratulations. Wish I had it in my archive too. I am looking forward to seeing more of them.

if you don't want to manipulate the branch you can just crop it to the right (wasn't that what Artie did?)