View Full Version : Bird and wildlife locations on Dorset coast and New Forest UK?

Jerry van Dijk
07-03-2014, 02:38 PM
I'm spending my summer in the UK, more specifically West-Lulworth on the south Dorset coast and in New Forest.
Any tips on good bird- and/or wildlife photography locations are very welcome!

Paul Whitbread
07-09-2014, 03:55 PM
To the east you have Poole Habour which should offer up waders and other things. The most well known bit is on the west, RSPB Arne, but the non-nature reserve bits might offer more freedom. One of the islands in the habour is Brownsea, which is famed for being one of the last locations for Red Squirrel in the south.

To the west, you have Weymouth Habour-Portland-Chesil Beach & The Fleet. Portland Bill is a hotspot for migrating birds, so you hear a lot about the place bird watchers. However there is rather less talk from the photography side, so I don't know well it translates in to a productive site.

Jerry van Dijk
07-10-2014, 06:34 AM
Thanks Paul, that's very specific and helpful!

Paul Whitbread
07-10-2014, 04:44 PM
This site has some useful information, check out the map and surveys: http://www.birdsofpooleharbour.co.uk/

Lulworth is on the world heritage site known as the Jurassic Coast, so if you ever do landscape stuff, it's not a bad place to be.

Jerry van Dijk
08-23-2014, 01:39 PM
Just back and adding some extra information if anybody visiting these areas stumbles over this thread.
Not much luck at Arne, birds are mostly too far away, with the exception of Stonechats and the occasional flyby. Good for dragonflies and deer though!
A good place to visit, with ample photo opportunities at a good range (well doable from 400mm up, I guess) is Keyhaven marshes and the abandoned salt and fish ponds located further on the path. Located along a very nice walking path between Milford on Sea and Lymington. Mostly waders, ducks and warblers in the reed. We found that birds here were very approachable. My long lens broke down before we went, so I have no images to back up my claims :w3.