View Full Version : Great-crested Flycatcher.

Karl Egressy
05-23-2014, 02:49 PM
It started raining but this guy was very vocal, convincing me to go back to the car and get the camera.
Thanks for looking.

Canon 5DM3
Canon 500 f4.0 L IS II. +1.4x III.
ISO 800
f 5.6
1/500 s

Bill Dix
05-23-2014, 02:52 PM
Good thing you went back. This is a gorgeous hi-key image of a beautiful bird, with the hi-key presentation bringing out his lovely colors. Perfect head turn and detail. Looks like you just barely nipped the bud on the far left, but no biggie. If you have 5mm more on the left you might add it. One I would love to have in my files.

Karl Egressy
05-23-2014, 02:52 PM
I can't edit the title. Can anyone tell me how to do it? Thanks.

Richard Flack
05-24-2014, 11:36 AM
Cool image Karl. I really like how this turned out. TFS (Unfortunately cant help you with the header)

Diane Miller
05-24-2014, 04:29 PM
Sweet light on a sweet-looking bird! I love the detail!

Daniel Cadieux
05-24-2014, 05:09 PM
Corrected the titled for you...

I like high-key and this is no exception. Perfect head turn and nice details. I could see a looser crop, especially for the leaves at left and top. I could also see the blacks going a tad deeper. Glad you went back!

Binu John
05-24-2014, 11:02 PM
Beautiful high key shot! I like the pose and details! TFS